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Sort out summer feet with Flexitol

Aside from stretchmarks (they were a bit of a surprise arriving literally days before I had N), the other long-lasting mark you often find as a new mum, is dry heels.  A bit unexpected and not entirely pleasant.  I guess it’s not helped by the weight you put on (and in my case haven’t lost since), and also walking a lot in flats all the time.  I’m convinced that flip flops and similar flats don’t treat your feet well even though they do get aired

So I’m always on the look out for new ways of keeping my feet soft.  Yes, I’m sure petroleum jelly does the job eventually (but who wants to wear socks in bed?), and the minty exfoliation creams are nice to use if you like the grainy feel between your toes.  But my favourite cream I’ve found so far is Flexitol heel balm.

I originally picked up a pack of this on the off chance in a local pound shop a few years ago, but have never spotted it since.  But immediately I liked it.  After only a few days my heels felt softer and looked less dry.  I also like how although it feels quite greasy on my hands, once it’s rubbed onto my feet, it soaks in easily and without feeling greasy afterwards.  I don’t get lotion marks on the bed sheets the next morning, unlike with other creams.

The only downside is that it does smell quite medicinal on your hands, so worth washing them after applying rather than letting it merely soak in.

flexitol review
Sorry for feet pics!

I was sent some recently to try out again, and it’s working just as well as it did before.  I just need to keep it away from the OH, otherwise he’ll be using it on his cracked hands (the side effects of being a farmer during the wet/dry intervals in Winter).  Now I know where I can get hold of Flexitol heel balm, I shall be stocking up.

Alongside the heel balm, I’ve also got a children’s first aid kit to giveaway.  This kit includes all the basics you need to either take on holiday, pop in the car for day trips, or have at home in readiness for the bumps and scrapes that come with back to school time.

If N continues to be fairly bump free, I could see him using this in his toy medical kit to fix his dad’s aches and pains.

To win the kit, all you need to do is answer the question – what tips do you have for keeping your feet baby soft?  Comment below with your answer, then enter via the rafflecopter widget.  There are a myriad of optional entry methods if you want to increase your chances of winning.

Disclosure: I was sent the foot balm to review, and provided with a children’s first aid kit to give away by Premier Healthcare and Hygiene

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  1. olive and salt rubbed into dry areas acts as a great exfoliator and moisturiser in one. If you are lucky enough to live near the beach like me you can walk barefoot on the beach to exfoliate. Works a treat and its fun! 🙂

  2. Go to bed at least once a week wearing lashings of foot cream which is rich in shea butter and a pair of old socks to keep the sheets clean. Works wonders.

  3. i put loads of moisteriser on after my shower and pop on some cotton socks, to help keep the moisture in.

  4. I try to use a foot file and moisturiser to make sure they stay soft. Also make sure you dry them properly after having a shower or bath!

  5. my doctor recommended not having bare feet in slip on shoes, which I do find has helped a lot with the condition of my skin on my feet.

  6. Soak your feet in just warm water for about 20 to 30 minutes. Take feet out of water and dry thoroughly. Next warm some olive oil and salt in a shallow tub or tray and put the bottom of your feet in it, move your feet about in the salty olive oil whilst you leave to soak for about 20 minutes, then remove feet. Whilst feet are still covered in warm salty olive oil use an old toothbrush to gently rub the heels and balls of your feet to gently remove dead skin them put your feet back into the warm salty olive oil and soak for a further 10 minutes then repeat the actions using the old toothbrush. Once done place both feet back into the warm water and leave for 10 minutes then dry. You should now have soft feet but if not, then repeat again the next night.

  7. Wow that cream looks amazing! I try everything to keep my feet smooth: pumice stone, foot file, moisturise and a ped egg!

  8. Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream/ointment… a godsend!!! slather it on before you go to bed and put on a pair of socks. admittedly not very sexy but the next morning your feet will LOVE you for it! 😀

  9. Soak your feet before bed – apply lots of foot cream – put your socks on over the cream and this will help it soak into your feet over night – leaving your feet super soft

  10. I don’t bother. My feet soon go back to normal by themselves when I start wearing socks again.

  11. A regular soak in warm water and a good rub with a rough towel to remove dead skin

  12. Take some time to look after yourself and spend some time in the bath, which is hard when your a mum.

  13. smoother them in moisturiser then put some sandwich bags over your feet and let it soak in.

  14. A warm foot soak with water and 2 tablespoons of Maldon Sea Salt flakes works a treat.

  15. Use a pumice stone after a soak in the bath, using lots of moisturising wash and rub in some foot lotion afterwards

  16. I am currently working for cures for my feet getting dried out..I love all the suggestions..so far soaking them helps alot and pume stone

  17. I use a pedegg once a week to rid of any hard skin and then moisturise every night before bed

  18. Honestly, you can’t beat Flexitol. I slather it on when my feet get dry and cracked.
    I also use a pumice stone to rub off any rough patches.

  19. I exfoliate and then put on Flexitol at bedtime and use a proper sock with a rubber heel to make it work all night

  20. Soaking feet in a foot spa (or washing up bowl), exfoliating, moisturising! If you can get someone else to give you a nice foot rub with the moisturiser thats even better! Also wearing nicely fitting good footwear makes a difference too I think.

  21. During the summer I give my feet a daily quick rub over with a gently facial exfoliator while I’m in the shower. It seems to really help.

  22. I have a scholl velvet pedi it is fantastic I love it, also make sure you moisturise.

  23. Regularly moisturise them rather than leaving it to the last minute before your holidays!

  24. Every time you have a bath use a pumice stone and then when you dry your feet moisturise them.

  25. Soak feet. Pumice stone and foot scrub to deal with hard skin. Dry and slather in foot cream.

  26. I use a pedi egg and I often apply a deep moisturing foot or heel cream at night (I wear a pair of old socks to prevent it coming off on my sheets). I wake up with lovely soft feet!

  27. Dry your feet well after a bath of shower, especially between the toes & put foot lotion on.

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