pirate party bag idea | Bubbablue and me

Pirate party theme – party bag idea

I mentioned the other week a brilliantly done cowgirl themed party we went to, and this week we were at a pirate themed party.  I love how turning 4 seems to make all the children more specific in their requests for party themes…although I’m not sure N would have any idea if I asked him.

pirate party bag idea | Bubbablue and me

The pirate one involved a pirate entertainer leading the children in lots of pirate games.  I’m not sure N’s a party games person because it was a struggle to convince him to join in, let alone for him to let me go and sit down and leave him to it.  It might have been that it was a much bigger party.  Having said that, he went to a party bus party and got stuck in there without me, even though he only knew the birthday boy, and only sees him infrequently. (Is it bad that the children’s party bus reminds me of a work social on a bar crawl party bus in Dudley many years ago?)

N told me he enjoyed the whole of the pirate party, but I wanted to share the party bag gift.  I’m not a fan of the usual plastic tat and Haribo sweets that’s in most party bags (although like most children, N is a big fan of Haribo), but this bag was brilliantly themed.  They all received a little treasure chest, stickers and a pirate stamp to decorate it, plus gold coins (both chocolate and toy versions) and a Gold biscuit bar.

Craft pirate treasure chest in a party bag - Bubbablue and me

Well, N’s not that big on craft, but as soon as he got home he wanted to decorate it.  I managed to put him off until I was able to keep a watch out while the paints came out.  Yes, he wanted to paint what was really a decopatch type of treasure chest.

painting his treasure chest

He had a great time painting away, didn’t make too much of a mess, and even waited patiently until it was dry before sticking a couple of stickers on.  He then proudly showed his dad what he’d done and explained what it was and why he had a treasure chest for secret things.  So sweet seeing him so proud that he wants to show everyone what he’s done.

making his treasure chest

I thought it was a brilliant party bag idea.  It covers the ‘something to make, something to play with, something to keep, something to eat’, and is an item that a child could keep for their little secret items.  I definitely might think of putting in something similar in party bags in the future.

home decorated treasure chest

If you want to do similar, it included:

  • Blank treasure chest
  • Stickers
  • Pop up pirate
  • Pirate stamp
  • Chocolate coins
  • Toy gold coins
  • Gold chocolate biscuit bar

pirate treasure chest party bag idea

You could even adapt it for other occasions, either including different themed stickers, and maybe changing the box to a general trinket box shape.

Different theme ideas:

  • Frozen or any Disney princess – to include children’s nail polish, pretty stickers or gem stickers, candy beads or sweetie rings
  • Hello Kitty – stamps, stickers, a little figure of Kitty
  • Scooby Doo – a little pot of goo, stickers, a figure, bone or ghost shaped sweets
  • Space – glow in the dark stickers and stars, sherbet flying saucer sweets

So there are lots of possibilities for party keepsakes depending on the party theme.

What do you put in party bags or do you not bother?

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  1. These are brill – my little man turns 3 soon and has requested a pirate party so may well be recreating my own! Great post. Visiting via #brilliantblogposts

  2. Love that box idea, I had a pirate themed party for Monkey’s 4th party with his NCT buddies, We made a treasure chest to hold all the gold chocolate coins that the kids had to collect through the party – but having them as party bags to be decorated at home is a fab idea.

    1. It was a brilliant idea. I’d never have thought of it myself. I do remember having a chocolate treasure chest birthday cake one year though

  3. What a brilliant idea! I love that goodie bag. I never thought about doing that before but it sounds really good. It’s my youngest’s birthday in April and I’ll have to keep this in mind. 🙂

  4. What a great idea. Love the idea of a craft and something that they’ll keep for longer afterwards. I’m not a fan of your average party bags.
    For my LO’s 1st birthday we did handprints onto small canvas boards so that everyone took home a keepsake.

    1. The handprints sound like a nice idea. They’re one of those things that you see either too late or that you plan to do and then don’t get round to.

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