
Toys to keep once kids have grown out of them

When you have children, toys take over the house…and the garden.

Every few months I think, it’s time to declutter, especially when N only ever plays with the same toys. But it doesn’t happen often enough as more and more toys, paper and pens get strewn across the house.

A couple of summers ago, I did do quite a major clear out of N’s toys though. Apart from books and craft/art supplies, I didn’t see the point in keeping lots of different toys that he never played with, so with a bit of input from him, we got rid of the majority of his toys.

The toys that I recommend keeping hold of are noticeable in that if you go to a nearly new sale hoping to buy them, you may never see any come up for sale. That’s because they’re put up in the roof after finishing with, to pass on to children and grandchildren.

They’re also the toys that last – they tend to be chunkier and better made than the plastic of today. And they’re mostly the toys that parents used to enjoy when they were kids.


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When I de-cluttered it was to retain the toys that N still played with, but once he’s too old for them, they’re also the ones that will be stored away in future for any children he has. Several toys he has now are toys that were handed down from those my brother and I had as children (my brother’s old Duplo – which then went to my godson after N, Lego and Britains farm toys from my brother, and even my old My Little Ponies, Care Bears and school and horse books have been passed on to a friend’s daughter or my god-daughter).

Here’s the toys you should always keep hold of

Toys to keep for the future


Enough said really. The only problem is that you’ll need a lot of storage, and everything will get mixed up. N has mine and my brother’s old Lego (including some of our dad’s) which is all still stored by colour in ice cream tubs. The only probably is all the new Lego he keeps getting bought it getting mixed up.

Wooden railway sets

These last forever, and kids really enjoy them. They’ll last through the years and can be added to. I think it’s the variety that keeps [amazon_textlink asin=’B01ACE4MIE|B00RMLUWGW’ text=’railway toys’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’a0cb84d0-6843-11e8-bbd5-8bf1c1e7f05c’] exciting through the generations.

wooden railway play - Brio and Bigjigs

Good quality vehicle sets

Whichever your child likes. For us it’s [amazon_textlink asin=’B0184TG8W2|B0184TG8W2′ text=’Britains farm toys’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’daf0ed77-6843-11e8-a84e-c93cf1295e1a’], and N has everything that my brother collected over the years. I think my brother is a bit gutted he gave it to N so early on, because before it came to us everything was immaculate. Now everything’s largely put into one big box, and there’s little bits which have fallen off through play. But given N still likes playing with the farm toys that were his Gramps’ which are sellotaped together and missing large important pieces, it doesn’t make much difference.


Special books that don’t date

For example any lovely special edition books, or books from your childhood that you’ve passed down to your child. For me it was [amazon_textlink asin=’067088278X|B00HTJSE58′ text=’Each Peach Pear Plum’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’1025af98-6844-11e8-86df-5157d615e49d’] but unfortunately it got lost at nursery never to return. My St Clare’s, [amazon_textlink asin=’1405280638|B01AIEENYQ’ text=’Trebizon’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’2d3bd1f9-6844-11e8-be8a-2d199eda7a47′] and Jill’s Gymkhana books all went to my god-daughter which she loved. But my Sadlers Wells series and other dancing stories, I’ve kept hold of because I don’t know anyone who’d value them like I did.



If you have classic games that don’t date, like [amazon_textlink asin=’B01J3KRZ8C|B01J3KRZ8C’ text=’Cluedo,’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’47650e7f-6844-11e8-af2f-ffd876094224′] Hotel, Monopoly etc, then save them. The modern versions are often not as good quality, and if the game is in good condition then keep them.

Prams or pushchairs

N loved my old toy pushchair from the early 80s. He used to sit in it himself and push around his tractors and teddy in it.

Add to the above some basic art supplies, general books and outdoor toys, and N would be quite happy. I’m hoping I can declutter of all the tat we’ve collected from parties and various other toys that are just wasting space.

Do you de-clutter toys? What have you kept for the future?

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  1. My youngest are 12 years old now but we have kept a few boxes of toys suitable for children of different ages. When we have visitors staying who have younger kids they have a great time playing with the toys we have kept. They are in storage boxes in the attic but I reckon they get an airing a couple of times a year. Glad we kept them! The dolls house went though – too big to store! #ablogginggoodtime

    1. I know what you mean about size/storage. I’ve got my childhood rocking horse that my mum gave me back to pass on to N. He’s too big for it, and it’s taking up room so really needs to go in the roof. But the OH just wants it out. I want to keep it, but I’m not sure I’ll win the battle.

  2. Lilly hasn’t outgrown any of her toys yet but what to keep is a question that’s been playing on my mind! I don’t like ‘stuff’, but I wouldn’t want to throw it all out either! Good suggestions here #abloggingoodtime

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