Birthday interview with a 6 year old

The birthday interview with a 6 year old

Last year I was really impressed with N’s willingness to do one of the ‘interview with’.  He even agreed to do it on camera.  And for the first time I got more out of him than previously.  So I had high hopes that turning 6 years old would provide even more insight into my son.

But no.  Although he did agree prior to his birthday that we could do an interview, he then refused to do a video.  And we were back to the ‘don’t knows’ and ‘can’t remembers’.  Hmmm, I wonder if I could try again and try some bribery this time.

Anyway, here’s the limited insight into the way my 6 year old thinks.

Birthday interview with a 6 year old

1,  What’s your favourite colour?

Blue, you know that’s my favourite. It’s always blue.

2, What’s your favourite toy?

Mum, I don’t know. Nothing.  I don’t have any favourite toys

3, What’s your favourite food?

Food?  Actually I don’t know.

Prompt – any first courses, any puddings?

Favourite pudding is fruit cake, lots of fruit cake.  What’s a main course?

4, What’s your favourite tv show?

It is…I don’t know actually.  I have loads

5, Where do we live?

Outside of S……. (our village)

6, What does Mummy do?

I can’t remember.  (that just goes to show how much he takes in of our bedtime conversations. I expected him to say that I have lots of meetings, lots of emails and write a lot. Or that I took lots of photos all the time).

7, What does Daddy do?


8, Who’s your best friend?

Everyone (snort! I can’t think of anyone less likely to say they’re friends with everyone given how much he moans about other children).  Ok, R.. (his cousin)

9, What do you want to be when you grow up?

A farmer

10, What’s your favourite thing to do with Mummy?

I don’t know.  Actually, watch films

11, What’s your favourite thing to do with Daddy?

Going to the pub.  (N loves our local pub.  It helps that they go there for shoot dinners, and when we go as a family, he and his cousin get looked after really well by the landlady who loves them so much.

12, If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

To the pub.  Or to Auntie J’s. Yes definitely Auntie J’s.

13, What makes you happy?

Fern (the dog)

14, What makes you scared?


Really?!  Since when? (he always sleeps through it and has never mentioned hating it)

For a long time.

15, What’s your favourite sport?

I can’t remember. I suppose I’ll say football.  (So much for being an Andy Murray fan)

16, What’s your favourite book?

I don’t know.

So not that forthcoming, and there were some surprising answers. Although as it is a child’s prerogative to change their mind, I shouldn’t really be surprised.

What kind of questions do you get to these questions?


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    1. They’re fun to do, although I think I need to do it in installments to get more forthcoming answers. Although last year doing a video interview helped too. Thanks for stopping by

  1. The fact he loves the pub already made me chuckle As a former reporter I’ve had far less forthcoming answers than that believe me! #brillblogposts

  2. Haha no he really wasn’t “feeling” the interview this time! My daughter has just turned 6 and I can imagine that some days she would waffle on for ages, and some days she would be just like this! #BrillBlogPosts

    1. Definitely not. They are very up and down with their chat…or more like focused chat. N will talk about random things but not things I want him to talk about.

  3. This was funny to read – you’re right, his answers aren’t very forthcoming! 🙂 I remember being quite similar myself when I was that age.
    I think I might do birthday interviews with my little girl (when she’s much bigger – she’s only 4 months so obviously can’t even speak yet!)

    1. Thanks Laura. It’s always good to be able to look back and read what they used to say. He’s usually really chatty, but obviously wasn’t into this. Thanks for stopping

    1. i think a lot would. For a child who talks a lot I was expecting a lot more from him. But it is quite samey. I should have done it over different days! Do it with Z though, it’s fun to do at different intervals

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