Exploring with Little Life rucksacks

When N was younger, I always used to hear people raving about the Little Life toddler backpacks/reins – the sweet little animal packs on their backs as they’re stopped from running off.  We stuck with standard retro reins bought for 50p from a nearly new sale.  Until Little Life contacted me recently to review an item, I hadn’t realised that they were about more than just these toddler packs.

Looking at their website I was surprised. As well as toddler backpacks, they also do children’s backpacks, safety accessories and more.  We decided we’d try out the Alpine 4 daypack in blue – the children’s backpacks looked like a good size for N but rather than looking too kiddy they look like normal adult rucksacks.  Much better for a child who’s at school and will be looking to have more grown up things over the next couple of years.

LittleLife Alpine 4 day pack

When the backpack arrived it wasn’t as large as I’d thought it would be (obviously my reading of the size specs on the website wasn’t that thorough!).  The Alpine 4 backpack is aimed at ages 3-6, and N’s nearly at the top of that age range, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.

It has a mesh back part, and there’s a chest strap to keep the straps from falling off the child.  N wasn’t too keen on the chest strap but I think it’s a great idea rather than having to keep the straps tightened right up all the time.  The top of the backpack is elasticated rather than toggled so easy to get items in and out, with the top cover fitting well over the top.  It really does look like a normal rucksack just on a smaller scale.

reverse of LittleLife daypack

There’s a small pocket on the front of the backpack which N claimed was for toys, but really would be more like a valuables or money zipped up purse area, and it would be great to take on holiday as an extra small day bag – it rolls up quite small to put in a suitcase, and is lightweight.

N found it  comfy to wear, and it’s definitely a good day pack size.  It would fit comfortably a water bottle, small toy and book and change of clothes.  N used it to have a sleepover at the farm – and I put in his toothbrush in the side pockets (meant to be for a water bottle, but not big enough for N’s bottle), pjs, change of clothes for the next day and 2 small teddies.  I also squeezed in a couple of small books, but it’s not big enough for standard size picture books.

checking out the Little Life day pack

With it being smaller than expected, I can’t see it lasting N long.  If you’re looking for a useful day backpack for a toddler, don’t need reins , and don’t want character or garish designs, then this is the type of bag you should be getting.  I personally would have got it for N at around age 2.5 years because it wouldn’t have been too big for him to use then, but would have lasted us longer.  It’s a strong sturdy backpack that looks like it’ll last.

You can buy the Alpine 4 daypack directly from Little Life for £19.99.

Family Fever
Exploring with Little Life backpacks review - Bubbablue and me


Disclosure:  We were sent a Little Life backpack for the purpose of review. All words and opinions are my own.

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  1. I think it is great to give children rucksacks and encourage them to carry some of their own things as it teaches them responsibility. My children both have rucksacks that they love carrying.

    1. I agree. Although N gets bored of carrying his. My theory is that this one would be good for bike rides – he can take his own stuff then.

  2. It looks great and also I like what you said about it being a handy bag for travel/trips out. I don’t think I would be able to convince my daughter to step away from her character bags though! #triedtested

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