sprocker gun dog in the house

Project 52 2019 week 27 – indoors sprocker

It’s been a busy week. Less so for work, but school is ramping up the ‘fun’ getting to the end of term activities and trips, so logistics have been challenging, and we’ve been prepping for performances.

It’s now week 27 for Project 52, photo for every week of the year.

On Sunday, it was thankfully a bit cooler than the day before. But still pretty hot. N and I headed into Oxford to get him some new sports wear from Decathlon, as well as checking out the camping kitchen and tables. He was pleased we finally managed to get him a tennis racket bag – he’s been going on about getting one for ages, but I always thought they were miles too big for him. He’s now got enough tennis clothing and sportswear for this and next year.

N spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the garden with his cousin and the garden hose and water guns.

Monday was school and work. Then I had my first hygienist appointment. I’d never been because dentists always used to clean teeth in a check up. But when they stopped ours didn’t actually tell us we should be going to see a hygienist. It was a bit painful, and I’ve had a really sore cheek inside at the back one on side since. Hopefully it won’t be as bad next time I go.

Tuesday was a normal day. N had swimming at school, and I had an INR test. Thankfully my reading was still in range, so I don’t need to go back for another 4 weeks.

Wednesday evening was the big social media outage. Along with that, our broadband went. Rebooting my router wasn’t working, so I managed to catch up on some reading – our phone signal is terrible so couldn’t rely on using that.

On Thursday I’d hoped our wifi would be back but it wasn’t. My sister in law’s was fine, so I logged a call and was told I’d need to ring the technical guy the next day.

I was going to be out all day and into the evening on Friday, so luckily he sent me an email to fix the issue. It turned out that in rebooting the router, I’d somehow deleted the router login and password. All reset up, and my laptop, phone and tv connected, but the OH’s iphone and ipad wouldn’t connect. It was driving me nuts.

N had a busy Friday – it was their all school trip to Think Tank in Birmingham. They had a great time and got back just before 4. Then it was a quite nip home for a snack and change before tennis. The main coach is coaching them for the rest of the term, and he had N and his friend playing on the larger orange court. He’ll do the same next week (hopefully N’s serves will be better than all the double faults he did this week), then will move them up to transition into the next stage orange coaching group for the last couple of weeks.

On Saturday, the weather was cooler. N had his swimming lesson. There were only 3 of them. It’s really noticeable how much they improve in a small group. The teacher can give them individual tips and tweaks. This week was a lot of butterfly. It always amazes me to see my 8 year old swimming a full butterfly stroke (complete with fins on his feet), with arms and breathing. I can’t even do a decent front crawl or correctly technical backstroke (although I think my breast stroke would still beat his).

In the afternoon he went over to a friend’s to play – they even went in his large paddling pool although it was a bit too cold. They had a great time and played really nicely together for a few hours. I got to have a bit of a chat with the mum and her neighbour. It’s nice to have a bit of a non-work chat with adults sometimes.

This week’s photo is of our sprocker spaniel. She’s a gundog and usually sleeps in her kennel and she’s definitely an outdoor dog. But in the hot weather we leave the doors open occasionally to try and get air in. She has decided that she’d prefer to be indoors, and creeps in at any chance. I wouldn’t mind if she’ll stay on the mat, but she’ll commando crawl to wherever I am. We’ll be keeping the door shut now unless we’re around to keep an eye on her.

sprocker gun dog in the house
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  1. Ha ha yes I know what you mean about ramping up the fun. Always leaves me juggling and dropping things. Sounds like a good week for N, thats amazing about the butterfly stroke I wouldnt know where to start. You dog looks super cute x

  2. I would sneak in looking for somewhere cool as well.
    Sounds busy busy. Some bags you see kids with are big enough to fit the kid into, not sure how they carry them.
    Never mastered butterfly was good at the rest though back in primary school

    1. I could do butterfly legs but no idea on arms or breathing. Tbh, I worked out my own breast stroke too, they certainly didn’t teach technique broken down like they do nowadays.

  3. Hope N enjoyed his school trip – we always like the Thinktank although it’s been a while since we went. Cheeky dog, but I don’t blame her wanting a little comfort.

    1. Our house is cooler than outside, because it’s stone. Especially with the aga turned off! Although it means clothes take 2.5 days to dry rather than the couple of hours when it’s on.

  4. The dog looks like butter would melt in his mouth! I can’t blame him for preferring being in the house. I know what you mean about how amazing it is to see N doing butterfly. I was the same with my kids. I was actually quite a good swimmer, but could only really do breaststroke, whereas my kids learned all the strokes properly.

    1. I think the way kids are taught sport nowadays is so much better because they have a ‘syllabus’ and structure to progress kids through. When I was learning to swim, it was get in do butterfly, do crawl, with a vague demo. But they break everything down to technique nowadays. So much better for them now.

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