pondering the question of prison - children's chatter - bubbablueandme

Children’s chatter – going to prison

Whoop, N now has an alternative future career he’s interested in.  As well as a farmer, he’s going to be a policeman.

It’s going to be an incongruous career if he opts for both of those.

I suppose a police office is high on the list of a lot of children’s potential career wishes.  I know I debated applying for the police force when I was finishing uni – I was interesting in the detective side of it, the forensics etc, but when the application form arrived with only a day to complete it before the deadline, I decided that it was just a step too far, and maybe it wasn’t for me.

He’s a bit of a YouTube fan (I think I’m going to have to have a timer on it for him), and likes watching videos of children dressed up as superheroes and policeman, going round and catching baddies (usually adults dressed as enemy superheroes).  It’s all very odd, but I expect their ads are raking in a lot of money from preschoolers and young children watching the videos.

It appears this is where the policeman thing is coming from.

Although he’s also a bit obsessed with prison at the moment.  Or ‘present’ as he calls it.

‘Mummy, do you get food in prison present?’

‘Mummy, will you or daddy go to present?’

‘Mummy, that car just went across the road wrong. Will he go to present?’

After the kicking and hitting incidents last term at school, ‘will H go to present for kicking me?’.

The questions are never ending.  I’ve reassured him that it’s unlikely that mummy and daddy would go to prison.  And that parents of children going on holiday outside of the school holidays are unlikely to go to prison, just have to pay a fine.  But the questions keep coming.

pondering the question of prison - children's chatter - bubbablueandme

He’s obviously got a good sense of justice and what’s right or wrong which is good.  He must have got it from me because I hate people not playing fair or doing the wrong thing.  So much so, that I remember slapping a friend when I was about 9 because she wasn’t playing by the rules.  (Obviously, no hitting hadn’t quite filtered through as being fair or not at that stage!).

I wonder how long the want to be a policeman will last?  Probably as long as the 5 minutes he said he was going to be a doctor as well as a farmer.

What do your children want to be when they grow up?

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  1. isn’t is funny what little ones say. I have started to make a note of everything little J says because its always so interesting. He has a huge fascination with cars at the moment so its mostly around that topic

  2. I love how inquisitive he is! Lamb is a little young to tell me what he wants to be but it will most likely be a fireman or policeman as he’s obsessed with paw patrol! X

  3. I think he’s doing the best think having a couple of options, my policeman brother in law is training to be a football coach so he can take a 5 year sabbatical!

  4. Oh that is so sweet! I remember switching my future career aspirations every week when I was younger and funnily enough never actually mentioned being a scientist until my final year in school – crazy how things change x

    1. I reckon vet’s a popular one. I wanted to be one too, but my science ability was slightly lacking. I’m surprised N isn’t interested in being one given our lodgers are always vets.

  5. This is so lovely. I think my daughter is torn between being a doctor and being superman at the moment 🙂 I know I briefly wanted to be a vet and a nun (both as unlikely as each other in retrospect) and part of me would still have loved to be an astronaut or archaeologist which are probably both as unlikely still!

  6. Awww bless, when I was a kid I waned to be anything cool that I saw in tv and I even considered being a police woman or fire fighter but I became a scientist instead lol

  7. Aww, that’s so sweet in a funny kind of way! He sounds very curious about prison, bless him. It is good that obviously he knows right from wrong! Ha, my children keep changing there minds. My daughter currently wants to be a vet, my eldest wants to be -something to do with sport- he’s not sure what! And my middle son would like to be a computer game designer (of all things!) Bless ’em. xx

  8. Your son is so cute!! However, I’m not a mom yet. I’m only 16, but I am actually applying for college right now. I remember when I was as young as he is and I kept on changing my mind too…now I’m finally decided to be involved in business. 🙂

  9. Currently a fireman I think, that’s the Fireman Sam obsession! A boy I was in school with started out wanting to be a bus (age 4-6), then upgraded to a bus driver, I believe he’s a primary school teacher now so clearly life changes your mind! A Policeman isn’t the worst career to aspire to!

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