New year resolutions: blog carnival prompt

I don’t usually do new year’s resolutions as I usually fail drastically and end up having the same resolutions year in year out.  Let’s face it, if you’re a nail biter like I am, you have that every year.  I reckon there should be a nailbiters anonymous group like AA!

I do have a Day Zero/101 tasks in 1001 days going on, and haven’t achieved many of them recently, so that list will continue to play a part.  Hopefully I’ll get a good chunk of those ticked off this year.

My big item this year that I must / want to do is get a new job.  And ideally nearer to home than the old one (an extremely hard task given most of the companies that have the type of work I’m technically expert in are nowhere near where I live).  I think it may mean a job change, so I’m trying to be flexible and hopefully another type of company or job will come up where they can see my skills being transferable to what they have available.

In line with that, I have to buy another car.  Company car will be going back, so there’s a fairly short timescale in this.  Would love to avoid having to buy one, but likelihood is that local jobs won’t offer one.  So decisions need to be made.  Hopefully I’ll get a good bargain in the January sales (and get to practice my negotiation skills).

The usual still stand:

  • Only buy essentials, continue to save money
  • Spend as much quality time as possible with N
  • Try and get a family holiday organised.  We’ve not had once since I was pregnant, so it’s definitely time to have a proper holiday.
  • Try and stop biting my nails…had to add that it!
  • Oh and drastically get back to pre-pregnancy weight, through getting back to eating properly and exercising.

What resolutions do you have?  Do you do them?

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  1. Hello! I had to laugh at your nail biters annoymonous part – I too shamefully still bite my nails and for the umpteenth year in a row I vowed to stop and the. 20 minutes past midnight I chewed on my nai! Fail!
    Good luck with all your plans for this year and thank you for sending me your post to use x x x
    Happy new year

    1. I’ve failed too. But I’ve got all year to grow them, doesn’t need to start right away. Got more important things at the moment like finding another job within 2 months.

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