Make easy friendship bracelets with just card and thread. No knotting involved.
Find something round to draw round to make a circle on the cardboard. A mug size is probably good for little hands. Make several while you’re there because batch tasks are more productive, and you’ll probably want to do it alongside your child. Cut out the circle.
Find the middle and make a hole in it. It needs to be big enough for a narrow circular cord to fit through but not so big that the bracelet comes loose and falls through. A pencil size is plenty big enough.
Using a ruler measure out 8 lines across the diameter of the circle like 'spokes', evenly spaced
Cut short cut at the edge of each of the lines
Pop the ends of your 7 strands together through the hole in the centre of the card circle, and tie the short end together. I tend to leave a bit longer free at the end of the knot so I can plait the ends and tie the 2 ends of my bracelet together taking it on and off. But if you’re just going to tie it permanently you don’t need a long bit at the end free. To start with you’ll need to hold the knot in place to stop it pulling back through as you work, but this need will reduce the more you make
With the knot side on the bottom and the long strands above, open up the strand lengths and put one in each 7 of the cut notches of the circle. The knot should be tight against the hole. You’ll end up with one spare notch. (number 8 on the diagram)
Decide if you’re going clockwise or anticlockwise and keep to that direction. I find it easiest to keep the spare notch nearest me
Count the 3rd strand clockwise from the spare notch (no. 3 in the diagram), and move it down into the notch. Rotate the card so the new spare notch is nearest you, count the 3rd strand away and moving it down into the notch. Rotate, and move the 3rd strand.
As you go, the bracelet length should start to build up and the knot will move downwards. You might need to give it a little tug to make sure the bracelet is forming straight down through the hole. It’ll take a while to get going but is quite quick to progress.
Once you get the length of bracelet you want, remove from the card circle and knot the end near the bracelet. Then either tie directly around your wrist and cut off the ends. Or plait the remaining threads at each end of the bracelet so you have 2 ends to tie in a bow meaning you can remove and retie your bracelet.