peacock on the lawn at Newark Park

Project 52 2024 week 12

This week’s been a mix of just normal everyday work and school, plus a couple of more interesting things. A day off (and out), and the theatre and catch up with a friend. Here’s week 12 for this week’s Project 52.

Sunday – pretty miserable as I had a bad headache so tried to spend most of the day snoozing it off. I think it was because I didn’t get much water yesterday. N did some of his final project for the term.

Monday – back to school and work. Nothing really interesting happened, although it looks like football training’s going back outside again from this week.  Our oil delivery came, so we have heating again, but the aga still isn’t working.

Tuesday – the road closure’s still where it was before, it’s not moved round the corner like we expected. I was very organised this morning and got the dinner in the slow cooker before I even sat down for breakfast. I need more slow cooker meals that everyone will eat. 

Wednesday – a busy day. Road closure’s now put in place to the village, so lots of different detours going on.  N had football club after school, then the first outdoor team training of the year. It was nice to be outside, although the end was getting wet and a bit dark.

Thursday – a day off. The weather was dry and I made the trek to Gloucestershire to visit Newark Park. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to any National Trust properties. I loved all the yarn bombing decorations everywhere (not sure it was really bombing given it was obviously planned!). It was a very long drive, for not that long a visit, especially with a huge road closure detour that I then had a massive backtrack to get back to where I needed to be.

Afterwards I headed back to town at home to grab something for lunch, check out the new B&M store and bumped into one of the school mums and had a bit of a chat. Picked up N at a different bus stop so I could avoid the longer detour. It is quite nice to have different routes home, although the alternate road was also meant to be closed, but thankfully there were no workers there so everyone was driving through. Everywhere just seems to be road closures at the moment.

Friday – short day at work. I’ve been on toasties for lunchtime this week, all done in the air fryer with different fillings, so it’s been nice changing things up.  3 days later we’re still trying to get N’s dental scan accepted. Tried again this morning, too blurry (breath mists the phone camera lens). This afternoon, his tongue’s covering some teeth (one photo of 38!). I’ve sent a snotting message moaning about how the auto reject is frustrating because the first scan he did was all visible, even with the slight misting. 6 attempts later and it’s still being rejected, and having to rescan all again.

Saturday – early hair appointment. I couldn’t book my usual slot for 12 weeks out, so had to opt for later (and pray there’s not football on). I decided to also book for the next 12 weeks too, which seems ridiculous. Definitely a fingers crossed for no football that date in September too.  

Rushed off to watch N’s match, and made it for 10 minutes in. He’d got a lift there.  We only had 11 men, so it was going to be a hard match. We were missing 3 of our core defenders, so several players weren’t in their usual positions.  After going 1-0 up in the first half, we had an injured player going off just into the second half. We ended up coming back from 3-1 down for a draw, which was a good result. It was a shame we had a crossbar hit, and missed a couple of sitters, as it could have been a win. But our team worked hard and deserved that draw having played over half with only 10 men (including the 12 extra time minutes for all the time wasting and stoppages).

It was a long day as we stopped off for lunch on the way home, emerging to heavy hailstone and plummeting temperatures. I didn’t have much time at home as I needed to get organised to go out and meet a friend for a meal and Pretty Woman the musical. It was so true to the film, the songs were great. It turned out Ore Oduba was playing multiple characters, and I was oblivious to that until I looked up the cast later. They were all great.

peacock on the lawn at Newark Park

New posts this week

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Getting to watch N’s football match, and having someone able to take him while I had a hair appointment
  • The road closure not being fully closed at the times I needed to go through
  • A day off. Always nice at this time of year to be able to have extra odd days off here and there.
  • No holiday homework for N.

Things I’ve enjoyed:

  • Love watching The Dog House. Such feel good tv, plus cute dogs.
  • A day off, and nice driving weather. I do love to drive when it’s sunny and I’ve got music blaring out.
  • Having a friend to go to the theatre with. I so often go alone, it’s nice to go and have a catch up.

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  1. I have never tried to make a toastie in the air fryer. Will have to give that a try.

    I didn’t realise some dentists will accept pictures you take yourself of the teeth!

    1. It’s a special scan machine that takes all the shots of your mouth. V handy, saves going in so frequently, but also hard to get the scans for the photos exactly right

  2. I love using the slow cooker and getting dinner prepared early but have the same problem in finding recipes that everyone will eat. The road closures sound frustrating – hope they finish soon. Hope N’s dental scan gets sorted out – how frustrating having the images rejected so many times. Well done to his team on their draw. #project365

  3. I hope the weather warms up for the outside football training. The road closures sound annoying but it sounds like the detours are working well.
    The dental scan sounds like a right pain in the bum.
    Well done to the football team, it sounds like they did really well to get a draw.
    What a pretty peacock. x

  4. I can’r stand booking hair appointments in advance, I never know when I want my hair cut then can’t get an appointment so it’s rare it ever gets cut. You seem to live in the middle of the road works, I’ve never known so many, they feature most weeks around your way. Hope you manage to get the teeth photos sorted. I assume it’s instead of having to visit in person?

    1. Yes the scans mean you go in less. Thankfully attempt 8 was accepted. Roadworks are nuts at the mo. Ones into the village are potentially up to june but I reckon they’ll be done before then. But it seems to be never ending last and this year with fibre installations, water, and now electricity

  5. It’s lovely to get a bit of pampering, I am due a hair appointment soon but I have not booked it yet. Sounds like we have all been under the weather this week