Project 52 2020 week 45 – autumn mists
Another week gone by and we’re now in lockdown 2. Not as strict as the first as schools are still open and you can still meet another person outside away from private gardens. Apart from tennis now being cancelled, everything is the same as before with us, but it sounds like lots of places were still busy in town despite most shops being closed. Why people don’t understand the ‘stay at home unless you really have to go out’, I don’t know.
On to our week 45 of Project 52.
Sunday was quite a busy morning. I prepped dinner, made beer bread (nicer as toast than as sandwiches because it is a strong flavour, and pudding. Then took photos for a review I needed to write.
After lunch it was a tennis matchplay tournament at a local club. Usually they have all ages groups playing, but this time it was only the oranges, and everyone had their own space to stand when they weren’t on court. N had 3 10-9 losses, with one against a child who kept calling the ball out incorrectly. N then fell over on a replayed point that he actually won had the other kids called it right, and lost the next to lose the match. He wasn’t happy. Plus he was in agony for his next match which he didn’t do too badly at considering he couldn’t run. So he then retired injured without playing his last 2 matches. It really put him off, so it’s kind of good that there’s now a break for lockdown to get his mind back in gear again.
Not much happened Monday, just work and school. It’s been a calmer work week thankfully.
On Tuesday I nipped out to take some photos in the garden, and also later managed to get some for the review. When you’re not going anywhere, it’s hard to get action shots for brands. N had school photos – his hair is wild, but the photos didn’t turn out too badly considering he wasn’t impressed they were going to be outside.
Wednesday we had the first frost of the season, although the car windscreen didn’t need de-icing. We managed to organise one last private tennis lesson before lockdown started on Thursday. It was a good session. It’s such a shame tennis can’t continue for privates. N’s serves are so much more consistent, and his strategic play has come on lots too. Fingers crossed it’s not too long to wait before sports can be played again. All of their league matches have been postponed and will be rescheduled for January/February. But it won’t work for N’s team, as all of them will have to move up an age group in January, and the reds won’t have enough ready to move up to orange. So there’ll be no team to play, and N’s group won’t be able to have league matches until next season starts. It could be a long wait.
On Thursday there was a lot of silliness going on with N. It’s funny ho one moment he acts like he’s about 5, then the next we’ll have really serious conversations (this week mostly about the US election). He was also walking round with a bruised cheek (not quite a black eye), after he’d managed to hit himself with his tennis racket at coaching the day before. I actually straightened my hair for the first time in as long as I can remember. Now my hair’s grown a bit I’m not minding the cut so much. Phew.
My BlogOn goody bag had arrived on Thursday but I saved it until N was at school on Friday to open it up and work out what I might want to take out for gifts. There was a lot of girls things (lots of collectibles), and not much for N, so I’ll be packing up quite a bit for my best friend’s 3.5 year old. Her daughter will love them, my friend will ate it all!
Friday was also N’s class assembly. Again it was done virtually, with each class getting to watch it, and parents dialling in. It’s great to be able to see something in school. They usually have parents in quite a lot for various events and open mornings, so it’s nice they can still manage some way of parents seeing what they’re up to. N was awarded star of the week for bravery in learning.
Saturday was back to the same old weekends. A bit of a lie in, lots of reading, jigsaws, prepping dinner, unloading the dishwasher, doing some washing. I also went out with N to walk the dog.
This week has had beautiful autumn mists in the mornings and lovely sunrises.

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Wow, beautiful colours in the photo. It’s a shame to hear the tennis didn’t go better – maybe a break will do him good. Hmm beer bread ? I’ve never heard of that one. Sounds interesting 🙂
Ohhh I have never heard of beer bread, I need to check this out! We have had a few frosty mornings too, glad I don’t have to deal with the school run anymore, always a nightmare scraping the ice off!
Awww sorry to hear there weren’t more bits for N in the goody bag 🙁 Sim x
Thankfully I have an amazing scraper and a front heated windscreen. SO it doesn’t take too long. Just need to find my nice chammy pad for N to get rid of the misty windows on his side!
I had never heard of beer bread! That’s a new one on me. Will have to try it one day and see what it is like. The Blog On Goody Bags always look so exciting, shame there wasn’t more you could use for your son. Would have been handy with Christmas on the way. Your weekend sounds like mine mainly chores and a bit of a lie in!
Oh no, I’m so sorry for N. I know how that must feel like. Great that you were able to take good photos outside. Yeah when you straighten your hair, you see how your haircut looks like.
Not heard of Beer Bread before will have to give that one ago. Sorry to hear about the Tennis not going quite to plan hopefully the break will help a little and he will enjoy it when he goes back. It does feel in some respects that we haven’t entered lockdown at all. Although we are trying to only shop once and week etc it doesn’t really feel like that’s the case with everyone else.
Same. I’m getting to the village shop when I run out inbetween big shops, the post office when needed and that’s it apart from school drop off. Even when things were open, I did one National Trust visit, and seeing people outside at tennis, but otherwise, we’re just staying at home.
Beautiful picture, such intense colours.
Such a shame about the tournament and the child calling out wrong. Seems a shame that private lessons have been stopped too.
we don’t go anywhere and do anything we don’t need to.
Shame his tennis has been cancelled again. He will miss it.
Nice to see the virtual assemblies.
Beautiful colours in that last photo. I felt the same with our goody bag, nothing really age-relevant either, the joys of having older kids now I guess. My neighbour’s grandson did very well out of us though #366
I always find it’s lots of girls items, although N was really pleased with all the food.I think in future I’ll just say no to a goody bag. Although Santa did find a couple of useful things in there.
Beer bread sounds yummy. Glad N was able to have a private lesson before lockdown started. How frustrating though that it will quite a while before he can play league matches again. Well done to N on getting star of the week and lovely to have a virtual class assembly. What a gorgeous sky in your photo. #project366
Lovely the schoola re still keeping the parents involved and I suspect with you working from home it means you can now ‘attend’ events virtually. Glad N managed one last tennis lesson before the second lockdown, shame about the private lessons though
Loving the colours in the picture. I’m not convinced all the sports need to stop especially things like one to one coaching – seems daft when the schools are open.
Oh no! I bet you are really missing the tennis. We’re staying home apart from the kids going to school & college and my fella on reduced hours at work. Potenitially I don’t have to leave the house again until next year.
What a beautiful photo! The colour is so pretty x