wasgij destiny 4 The wasgij games image

Wasgij Destiny 4 The Wasgij Games solution

Wow, I think the Wasgij Destiny 4 Wasgij Games puzzle is probably the hardest Wasgij puzzle I’ve done. Even harder than Sands of Time. There’s just so many faces and intricate details. I think the earlier Wasgij puzzles are so much harder than the more recent one.

This jigsaw is one of the Retro puzzles range, some of the most popular older puzzles reissued. It means they’re easier to get hold of and it’s nice to be able to challenge myself with these.

wasgij destiny 4 The wasgij games image

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I like the Destiny puzzle range the best. In theory quite a bit of the puzzle image structure is the same as the box, but just brought up to date in a more modern setting.

This puzzle box image shows a sporting event set in Ancient Rome at the Colosseum, with crowds turning up to watch the Wasgij Games. The solution is to work out the modern equivalent sporting show.

There’s every sport you could imagine on show, in this version of the ‘Olympics’.

This puzzle took me longer than usual to complete, with me needing a few days off inbetween to have a break. With the small details and all the people, it was quite hard to work out where things could go, and puzzle pieces blended into one another. A break did me good, and it only took a couple of sessions after that to complete it.

If you need to see the solution scroll down for the image and a video.

For helping on doing a Wasgij puzzle without help, check out my step by step guide to Wasgij solutions.

wasgij retro destiny 4 Wasgij games puzzle solution

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