300 picture book challenge week 15

I’m a bit late on our round up this week for the 300 picture book challenge.  We’ve read about an average number of books, including library books, but we’re still going through old books like anything.

There’s been lots of talk about the Gruffalo this week because we went to one of the Gruffalo trails, but surprisingly no reading of either of the Gruffalo books.  In fact, this week’s been fairly low on Julia Donaldson books.  However, the weather’s been a lot nicer, so there’s been a lot more playing outside, and less opportunity for book reading than when the weather’s worse.

My best friend and N’s godmother sent him a book token to say thank you for all the handmedown clothes and toys we’ve sent up to her son.  It’s great to know someone’s making use of them before passing them on again afterwards, and it’s a nice thought to send a thank you down to us.  My friend is a voracious reader as well as me, so it would have been a no brainer to choose a book token.  We’ll have to think about which store’s got the best offers on to get the most for his money.

300 picture books 300pbs week 15It really made a difference with the last lot of library books we borrowed.  N chose 8 of them before I’d even arrived in the children’s room, which meant he was really keen to read all the books he’d got out.  We didn’t make it back again for returns this weekend, so I stopped in one work lunchtime – hopefully my choices will be suitable for his discerning (!) tastes.

Here’s this week’s stats:

  • This week’s books read – 14
  • Total books read 2014 – 222 (74%)
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  1. What a great challenge! My hubby and I love to read as well and that has definitely been shared with our 2 & 3 yr old boys. We give them books in their beds to inspire reading at night time instead of watching tv. Hopefully this will translate into adulthood. I love that N already has an opinion on which books he wants to checkout!

    1. It’s a great challenge, and is definitely forcing N to try new books instead of only going to the same ones over and over again. But it does mean that my own 50 books challenge is severely lacking compared with last year!

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