Bubbablue and me avatar

Injections for babies at 1 year old

Yesterday it was N’s 12/13 month jabs – boosters and his MMR.  I had no worries about him having the MMR as some parents have in the past.  With his second set of jabs back in March-ish time, he wasn’t very well after, but I think it actually coincided with him being ill anyway rather than being the impact of the jabs.  So I was fairly confident that he’d be fine after these ones.

Mmm, well so far there’s no swollen raised lump round the jab mark, and he hasn’t had a temperature which the nurse said he may have had last night.  But crikey, he’s been grouchy today.  So gutting having a grouchy baby when you’ve only got limited time to spend with him – you want weekends to be full of fun & laughter.

There is a hope that it’s teething (he seems to constantly be dribbling & chewing, he’s had a cold/bad nappy incident which usually occurs for him 3 weeks before the new tooth arrives), although I’m just hoping he’s back to his cheery self tomorrow as we’ve got our joint 1st birthday celebrations.

Thankfully we’ve got no more injections now until 3 1/2 years old.  

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