picking apples

Autumn colours and apple harvest

Despite N still being in shorts in the warm Autumn weather, the colours of the leaves definitely shows that Autumn’s well on its way.

On and around the farm, the leaves are turning red, yellow and brown, and a couple of trees on the farm have even fallen.  Seems bizarre when we’re still in summer gear and walking round in flip flops or sandals and mostly no socks.

It does mean that there’s still time to get out in the garden after work and nursery.  I’ve been pottering, gradually picking the tomatoes as they turn red, while N’s been interested in the apple trees.

The other day as we pulled in from nursery, his dad had been in the farmyard and had taken N out with him for a bit.  Once they’d finished, N was sent running back up the drive to me…brandishing a fallen oak tree twig complete with lovely orange leaves.

playing with an oak tree twig

I decided it was a good opportunity to talk about the different trees and leaves around the front garden/lawns.  So we talked about the twig being from an oak tree.  Then I showed him the small horse chestnut which didn’t have any conkers yet, and then told him to find the other one…and spot the 1 conker case that’s there and hasn’t yet fallen.  He loves conkers  (and still has last year’s) so I think we’ll have to find some conker trees to get some more over the coming weeks.

looking for apples

As per usual, N was moaning he was hungry so I suggested he have an apple.

‘Mummy, those apples aren’t for eating, they’re for cooking’.

picking apples

I had to explain that only 2 of the apple trees were cookers, but the other tree was eating apples and offered him one.  Of course the twig came into play, but in the end I had to pick an apple off for him to eat.  (This morning he asked for his Gramp to pick him one off the tree for before nursery.  He knows how to get people to do his jobs for him!)

It seems that the nature lesson sunk in as N corrected his dad later because he’d got the wrong tree name.

N’s also been keeping an eye on the field behind us.  Earlier in the week my brother in law had been up to the sheep sales in Yorkshire.  Of course 2 days later that meant the field is now full of sheep from the sales.  Noisy sheep.

looking at his sheep

But N seems to think they’re his sheep.  Every time someone goes out to feed them, or check on them, N stands in our garden and supervises.

‘They’re my sheep, are you going to pay for them mummy?’.  Errr.

It’s been lovely to be able to spend so much time outside this summer.  I love the Autumn colours, but we’re not looking forward to the nights drawing in.

Are your children interested in the different fruits growing on trees? What’ve you been foraging this year?

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      1. I live in West Sussex, no conkers on the ground in Worthing yet. Please speak up if anyone finds any. They have deterred spiders for us, but now need replenishing. All the family love the conkers but not the spiders that come indoors!

        1. I did the same last year. Worked a treat on spiders – and we only had conkers on the shelf in the kitchen. Planning on doing the same again this year!

  1. It’s made me realise it’s time to pick some apples! Wonderful how N is enjoying outdoors from watching over ‘his’ sheep to learning about leaves and trees!

    1. I’m trying to get him interested by talking to him about ‘interesting’ things. He’s one child of his age, who doesn’t seem to ask as many questions as I expected he would

  2. Your lovely boy is growing up so fast and obviously taking a keen interest in all that is around him on the farm, looks like you have plenty there for him to learn about too, the benefits of farm life! Thank you for linking up with me on Country Kids

    1. Definitely makes life easier in getting them interested in being outside. Just hope he’ll continue to be interested in things off the farm – one set of cousins don’t seem to really do much off the farm other than school, and I want to be able to still show him that there is more life off the farm.

  3. I know what you mean about loving the colours of the season but knowing what it means for the longer nights. looks like you’ve been making the most of the weather though.

    1. We’re quite chilled out about it. But getting out in the evening just on the farm, does mean there’s less chance of n falling asleep prior to bedtime!

  4. That is so cute that he says they are his sheep! Autumn is a great time of year for getting outdoors. I want to get out and about for some autumn photos this weekend. #countrykids

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