multicoloured hydrangeas outside thatched porch

Project 52 2023 week 26

Onto week 26 and we’re halfway through 2023. It’s certainly coming round faster than it feels it should. Here’s our Project 52 for this week.

Sunday morning was very productive. I did washing, put the slow cooker on, emptied the dishwasher, made pudding for dinner, and then headed out to take some photos at the poppy fields near us. There’s a wonderful one next to the road, but even with my big camera zoom lens I couldn’t really get decent photos as it’s private property.  Instead I went to a smaller field with a public footpath through it in the village, and was please with some of the shots.  I should really go at sunset, but that’s a bit late at this time of year.

The rest of the day I started a new Wasgij puzzle, did some reading, and tried to keep cool while encouraging homework.

On Monday back to school and work. There’s a bit going on that’s challenging, and trying to be supportive to those who’ve got so much on at a busy time. There wasn’t any tennis as there was a mens match using the courts.  A friend and I have been trying to coordinate holiday tennis camps. Our club’s are good value at 5 hours for £25, but it’s all ages, so ours don’t generally get to play much tennis as there are all standards mixed up even where they split vaguely by older and younger.  So we’ve been looking at another village where they do 3 hour sessions by age range. They’d be better, but N isn’t keen to try those, although his friend will. I’m hoping he might try one of them.

Tuesday was busy at work, N had his inter-form football match number 1 – they lost on penalties.  To try and get him to wear his brace more, I’ve agreed monetary award (at least for the first couple of months til he’s just wearing it all the time like he should be. 50p a day (meant to be 23 hours a day), then 50p bonus if he gets all 7 days. He liked that idea. Today started with 2 lessons, on the bus and quite a bit before and after school. Hopefully he’ll keep them in all night too. If by Friday he’s wearing them all day at school that’ll be good, and it’ll be more normal having them in than not. He’s saying his jaws aching a bit which means he’s wearing them enough for them to actually be properly doing what they’re meant to.

On Wednesday, it was discovered there was a missing tie. Again. I hate the clip ties – we get why for safety, but in a year, we’ve had 2 lost, and 1 clip broken. Luckily I had a spare. It was a busy work day. Confusion as I had a Tesco order today rather than the usual Friday (but it arrived nice and early in the slot, with one of the regular drivers). 

Thursday there was an internet outage not long after I started work. 10 minutes later it was evidently back on, but not for me. So 30 mins later they were planning to send out an engineer, while I had to rush into the office.  Luckily it was quite quiet, so I could book my favourite parking space and desk. It was nice to see people again. I really need to start going back into the office more regularly.

I wasn’t impressed to find out that there is industrial action on the trains happening next week. Just when I’ve got 2 London days planned. So much for 2 weeks notice they say they have to give. So I had to spend a lot of time trying to work out the best route – and where to travel from for Wimbledon. My work trip shouldn’t be impacted.

On Friday it was inset day and I had a day off. We couldn’t really think of anything to go an do, but N did some homework. Then we nipped into town, and had lunch out at Pizza Express. We played £5 of arcade games at the local cinema complex. They finally have our favourite knock down the clowns game – although it was a lot higher up and therefore harder than in seaside town arcades we’ve done. Then played basketball which seemed to be neverending on one of them. So we had a lot of free games which was good luck.

Had  a lovely long chat with a friend while the boys were at tennis lesson.

Saturday I left N doing project work to go into town to do the rounds. Market, butcher’s, supermarket, parcel drop off. I’ve just been so tired, and cold though. I think a longer sleep is required, and hope I’m not coming down with something just before a much busier week than normal.

multicoloured hydrangeas outside thatched porch

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  1. Love the hydrangea, reminds me of my childhood as my Grans front garden was full of them. Sunday did sound a very productive day. Glad you enjoyed time back in the office, Monday is a great incentive for kids and at 50p with a bonus, sounds like you got the better deal

  2. Sorry to hear that N lost his football match on penalties – I always find that worse! Eliza was a bit hit and miss with her braces but still managed to get them off after 9 months. We found wearing them at night was the way to go

    1. He’s usually good wearing them at night now but he’s not worn them at all this weekend. Refused to wear them at Wimbledon despite him not needing to talk to anyone. And had football today and hasn’t put them in at all. Even bribing him isn’t working. Such a waste of time. He could have got them off in 4-6 months if he’d been wearing them 22 hours

  3. The monetary reward sounds like a good idea to help encourage N to wear his braces. That’s annoying about the internet outage. It is nice to go into the office and see people though. That hydrangea bush is gorgeous. #project365

  4. That hydrangea looks gorgeous! Lovely photo. The railway strikes are so annoying. When I was commuting to London for my studies they had plenty of strikes, so many that we favoured the car just because we couldn’t rely on the trains. I think these strikes are damaging consumer confidence which will have an impact later on.

  5. It sounds like your Sunday was a really great day, getting loads done with lots of relaxing and fun too. I hope you find a solution to getting to play tennis.
    Ahh! I have always found money is a great incentive to get the kids to do anything. When my youngest first got her hearing aids I gave her a little extra pocket money each week depending on weather she remembered to wear them. The jaw ache is a good sign, you are right it means they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing.
    Oh no! I hope you get to Wimbledon OK with the train strikes.
    What pretty flowers. x

    1. N really wants to earn some money. So far, he’s not had this I’ve said he could have, or pocket money (for months). He just gives me more excuses. The OH tells him he can’t understand him when he talks, but if he listened better, and N talked more and wore it more, it would be clearer faster. He’s wasted 2 weeks of not wearing it enough. And not at night which is 10 hours of the 23 he’s meant to wear it. I despair.

  6. Oh those hydrangeas are stunning!

    Have to agree, I hate the tie clips. Bee has to wear them for school and we have lost/broken some of them.

    1. They are rubbish aren’t they. I always have to have a spare. My secondary school tie lasted me the whole 5 yers I was there.

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