School Days – confidence and Children in Need
This week has been a revelation following last week’s keen-ness on reading. That’s continued but a love of writing seems to have appeared as well. Or maybe it’s just because N has spotted a toy chain saw he really wants and now he’s realised he really needs to up the ante in doing school work and chores to get the reward stickers he needs. Best go and buy the chain saw in readiness while I remember where I spotted it!
Yes, it appears N now has a love of writing as well as reading. This week he’s been doing his literacy homework without me. It did mean there were a couple of spelling issues which he wasn’t impressed with when he realised. His perfectionist tendencies are showing themselves?
But as well as homework, he’s also been bringing me writing and pictures. The best was a picture of him up a mountain, with the sentences ‘I can see another mountain ammenst’ and ‘I can see sun setss’. Sweet.

Reading confidence
N is doing so well with his reading. He’s still sounding out words (basic ones he learnt in reception year seem to be the ones he keeps forgetting, but I’m surprised at how he’s confidently trying longer words without being put off seeing how big they are. He’s nearly through the 3 sets of books on this level, although I don’t know if they’ll move him up or find another reading scheme at this level before moving him up.
On Monday he came home with a book he’d already read before. He refused to read it, so read part of a book from his own collection. I suggested that if he wasn’t going to read the book sent home, he should ask his teacher if he could change it for a new book. I didn’t think he’d do it, but on Tuesday he came home with a different book. He’d asked for a new one, was allowed to choose which one he wanted, and then proceeded to read the whole book. 24 pages in one go when usually we read half a book a day.
Whoop, N was VIP earlier in the week from his work done in class 2. Of course he couldn’t remember what it was for at first, then he remembered it was for good listening when lots of other boys weren’t.
Children in Need
Thankfully N’s school are usually easy when it comes to non-uniform day. Another pyjama day it was for Children in Need, with added teddy bear, board games and sport to celebrate 70 years since the Battle of the Somme. They also went on a ramble, which luckily was dry. N thought it was a great day…anytime he can wear his onesie he’s happy.
Christmas play
This week there’s been more Christmas play rehearsals, and on Friday they even practiced the whole play rather than just in pieces. At home I’ve been treated to the hand jive they’ve been learning for it. N has picked that up better than the songs, so fingers crossed the songs are getting there when there’s music.
Awww the christmas play, J has just started rehearsing for his too.
It’s so sweet, but it does take over their school days I find.