Project 365 2017 week 24
We’re rapidly approaching midsummer and halfway through this year’s Project 365. And unbelievably only a few weeks left of year 1 at school. Here’s this week’s photos.
On Sunday, N was out on the farm as usual, but came back in the afternoon to have a ride on his quad bike, along with his cousin. I’m pleased to see the helmet’s making more of an appearance.

On Monday N came back from tennis (hence the oversized school PE shorts), and wanted to go out in the garden to cut the grass around the climbing frame. Despite him professing to not like football, he was happy enough to start kicking a ball around.

On Tuesday I was short of a photo, but spotted these giant daisies outside after school club. They don’t look very oversized, but the grass is also really long because it’s in the wildflower garden there.

On Wednesday, N we finished our Lego card album thanks to someone at work. Because I’d done a call out at work, I ended up with so many duplicates. I’m so glad I got N the album too because he’s really enjoyed looking through it and learning about the different animals and places.

On Thursday I was pleased to see that my radishes look like they’re fattening nicely. Shame the leave look straggly thanks to whatever has chomped on them. The rocket is taking a bit longer which is strange because I thought the seed packs said the rocket was the fast growing stuff.

On Friday it was tennis lessons again at the club. Usually N always wants to hang around afterwards to go to the playground, but this week I said he could go beforehand. It worked much better because we could escape quickly home to get some tea. The grey clouds were pretty spectacular, but we didn’t see any rain and it cleared to beautiful blue skies as their lesson started.

On Saturday the temperatures were insane. Just way too hot for me. At 11, it was 29C according to the car thermometer. We spent a bit of time in the garden getting the paddling pool out. I loved this photo of N at the top of the climbing frame.

Love the daisies, such happy flowers! The last photo of N is beautiful, very thoughtful and grownup. Good luck with the rocket, I have failed to plant anything so far this year!
Thanks Sara. The radishes are shrivelling as soon as they’re picked, so obviously need to be eaten straight away. The rocket is fab, but sooo much more peppery than the stuff in the shops. Needs mixing with other salad I think. I’ve told N we could try strawberries next year, but someone said they need a couple of years to bed in. Might be too impatient for that!
Glad he is wearing his helmet, hate reading of people that are injured because they did not. Great last picture, looking very thoughtful.
Bob got my lego cards but not sure what happened to them., probably lost in the chaos that is his bedroom.
I seem to still have tonnes of cards at home as well as some unopened ones because work colleagues kept sending them in to me
Emma, how grown up does N look in that last shot!! I can see the teenage version of him in that shot. Those clouds looks very ominous, glad he got to have fun without the weather turning. #365
that sky looks stunning, i miss seeing the clouds like that. i’ve never been able to grow lettuce, it shoots up and then either gets nibbled to death or just dies on me
Thankfully the rocket is still coming, just the radish greens they seem to like. Fingers crossed we get to eat some before it gets chomped
I planted radishes last weekend and they are already coming up – they do seem to grow quickly, but I’ve never tried them before. I do like the daisy picture.
Yes, only took a couple of days (I got confused and thought they were the rocket) for ours to start. They’re fattening nicely. Can’t wait to try them
That last photo of N is lovely and it definitely was too hot yesterday! Well done on completing the Lego album. My kids weren’t interested, unsurprisingly, but I know a lot of people with younger kids were desperately trying to get them finished.
Yes, my FB was going mad for everyone trying to swap