Project 52 2018 week 15 – sunny spaniel days
This second week of the Easter holidays hasn’t been great weather wise again. I’ve been back at work, and N’s been out working on the farm. Mostly he’s been helping his uncle or cousin number 3 with sheep jobs. His tally of seeing lambs born has increased to 7 as well. Not bad for a fortnight’s work. He is exhausted though, so was expecting him to have a relaxing Saturday. But he wanted to avoid coming with me to my hair appointment so he’s been out on the farm then too. We’re due to see friends on Sunday for outdoor adventures, so I’m hoping he’ll get a good sleep before that, and possibly even in the car too.
The rest of the week for me has been getting into the changed structure and role at work. Instead of managing lots of small projects, I’ve now got one massive one. I’m not too keen on the project, and I’m still struggling to see how it’s going to work with all the crossovers with different managers, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.
On Friday we made strawberry cupcakes at N’s request. They turned out really well although my piping bag connection is missing so we had to sandwich bag it and my hands obviously warmed up the icing too much. N was proudly handing them out to everyone on the farm.
This week N also went to see Peter Rabbit again at the cinema, along with his aunt and cousin. I asked if he commentated all the way through, but supposedly he was quiet and really focused on it all te way through. Sweet.
Finally Saturday has seen some gorgeous warm weather appear. It’s like summer. No coat needed, and no slippers at home. This week’s photo is of our spaniel, taking some time out and relaxing in the sun on our front door step.

glad he has been having fun on the farm and I am sure it will all come in handy in later life.
Very mature of him not to spoil the film for everybody else.
Hope work settles for you
Such a beautiful pup! #365
I hope the new work role goes well for you. Looks like N had a lovely week and certainly looks warm in the UK on saturday anyway
The weather over the weekend has been lovely hasn’t it. I hope it lasts.
What a beautiful dog x
Your spaniel looks very relaxed. Hope N is not too tired to go back to school tomorrow. What an unforgettable experience for him to see the lambs born. I’ve only seen this once, many years ago. We still haven’t been to see Peter Rabbit, I think I’ll wait until it comes on a DVD, as I don’t want to see it myself. 🙂
Hope N isn’t too tired to go back to school. The weather has been dreadful here too.
It sounds like N has had a great week. Hope the changes at work sort themselves out OK, these things are always a challenge!
Wasn’t the weather amazing yesterday? Long may it continue!
Awww what a cutie. We are off to see Peter Rabbit today
Aww the dog looks so happy bathing in the sun . I forgot about lambing season until last week when is seemed to really kick off up here. How lovely N helps out so much. #365