self care lists ideas

Self care lists to relax and improve your mindset

Self care. Most people don’t do enough of it. Sometimes we just need time out, especially if you’ve got a busy job or are organising family life around everything else that’s going on. We look after ourselves after everything else is done. Taking time for wellbeing checks and writing self care lists can help you relax and improve your mindset, making you ready for the day or upcoming week.

Taking 5 minutes (or ideally more) out of the day to think about our own interests, do something relaxing. Take our mind off the monotony of everything we have to get done. It’s a mood booster, and can really help productivity and positivity in all areas of life.

While there are plenty of things you can do to relax, list making can help with self care and improving your mindset. Research has proven that writing down your goals and dreams, can help you move towards them. It makes you accountable for what you want to do. So by keeping lists of self care ideas, it should help you carve out time for yourself.

self care lists ideas

Self care lists to keep

Why not try some of the list ideas below to help with self care and confidence.

1. Self-care goals for the next month.

2. Goals for your relationship and how you might improve it

3. Past goals you’ve achieved that you are proud of.

4. Self-discovery goals. Dig into what you want to find out more of about your wants, needs and changes you’d like to make.

5. Mental health goals.

6. Your own favorite physical traits of yourself.

7. Your favorite personality traits of yourself.

8. All the things you are thankful for about your body.

9. Your roles in life (including family, home, friends and job roles that impact who you are).

10. Ways you can practice self-care.

man's hand painting on a canvas close up

11. Gifts you want to buy yourself in the future.

12. What makes you a great friend

13. Your friends and family and what you gain from being close to them.

13. What you’ve achieved over the last week, month, year or in your life.

14. Reasons you’re proud to be who you are.

15. 100 things you love about yourself (if this seems too hard you can do it in phases as you think of more).

What type of self care do you practice, and do you write lists to help?

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