Baby led weaning has commenced
I’m really excited. The plan was to start baby led weaning at 6 months old, however apart from waking in the night, N does everything else on the ‘Are they ready?’ checklist. So we started the exploratory stage…my theory being that nothing is likely to actually be eaten, it’ll probably just be sucked and licked for a while.
I’ve decided to start with breakfast properly, so baby porridge, as that’s fairly similar to my breakfast without it being gluten which he shouldn’t have til 6 months. So a bit in a bowl and a dollop on the tray in front of him…with preloaded spoons so he can choose what he does. I tried one spoon of feeding him to see whether he’d eat it, but he wouldn’t open his mouth, so I left him to it.
Spoons went straight to the mouth although a bit lopsided, and he ignored the dollop on the tray. I’m not sure of anything went further than lips and tongue as he didn’t look impressed. So we’ll try again for a few days and see, before maybe adding some fruit to it.
However fruit has been a hit so far. He liked the mango slices although they were hard to handle, nectarine got a good lick, and melon he loved. I also took steamed carrot sticks and some cucumber for lunch out with us. He had a good old gumming of those although they were still pretty intact by the time he put them down.

The only thing with baby led weaning is we’ll have to move our dinner time earlier again so we can all eat together. So I’m planning on doing that in the next 2 weeks.
It’s all very exciting.
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