Musical Exploration linky – Month 2
Welcome to the second month of my Musical Exploration with Children linky. Thanks to those of you who linked up for the inaugural one. Hopefully we’ll start to get the word out further and see it grow as the months go on.
Here’s last month’s linky if you want to check out the posts. I loved Culture Baby’s post about different ways they’ve brought music into their lives together. It let me reminisce about my old Fisher Price record player, and I love Hall of the Mountain King for a great piece of classical music to make up stories to.
So what’s this Musical Exploration linky about? I want to encourage N’s love of music and help him to explore more music than just nursery rhymes and AC/DC. By introducing more music, genres and instruments, he’ll continue and grow his interest. This linky is about sharing what we’re listening to, what we’ve discovered along the way, and what tools or activities we find that could be interesting to others.
If you listen to music with your children, or would like to start but want ideas, then you’re in the right place.

Oh, what a lovely idea. Music is so important to me – I played D a song when I was pregnant repeatedly and I’m sure he recognised it when he was born and it helped to soothe – I really need to get into gear on doing the same with Eggy!
They say that happens. N used to kick like mad when I was pregnant with him at my dancing evenings, especially when Black Eyed Peas came on. Funny though, he never likes the track when it’s on in the car though. The linky will be up for a week or so more if you’ve got something to add, or pop by next month and link up.
What a lovely idea for a linky! I’m a bit rubbish at encouraging musical stuff, though it would appear that my 7 month old is very into rock 😉
Seems that toddlers like rock. N loves ACDC (thanks to his dad), although thankfully we’ve not had to watch the dvd recently. He used to want it on every evening. I’m trying to get him away from his rock roots and broaden his interest a bit…it’s going to be along haul. Thanks fro stopping by
I was listening to music on the radio this week and M asked me to put music on. It took a while for my to work out that he wanted Classic FM and not Heart. I was happy to put classical music on especially when he started singing along and swaying in his car seat – maybe I’ve got a budding opera singer.
Ha ha, love hearing kids trying to sing along. I hate classical music in the car because you have to have it so loud to hear the quiet bits, then it blasts you out on the loud bits. Not the best place to listen. My mum always used to have it on in the house, so really should make more effort at home.
Auditory stimulation is something that can be easily incorporated into everyday life, and children learn lots through sound.
Give a toy a wooden spoon and a pan and invariably the first thing they’ll do is bang them together to see what noise they make.
That’s why I’m passionate about giving little ones the chance to explore sound from a young age. One of our best sellers is our musical baskets.
We sell bespoke musical baskets for tots. You tell us how much you want to spend and how old your little one is and we put together a basket of different wooden instruments for your tot to create music with.
The idea of musical baskets is a great idea. Brilliant for new baby gifts.