Bonfire Night at the Farm
I love bonfire night, having remembered great village events as a child and then the wonderful firework displays set to music at Lancaster Castle when I was at university in the city.
Now we live outside several villages and before N was born, we never really went to firework displays. Instead we used to watch from the house as we could see lots in different directions.
Last year we took N to the local school firework display at our nearby gliding club. It was similar (although on a smaller scale) to the displays of my youth. Great to catch up with everyone we know although this year I will be taking a torch with us as it was extremely dark walking from the club house to the bonfire. We’re planning to go again tonight, but looking at the weather forecast it might not happen.
A week or so ago, the OH kept talking about having a bonfire. I didn’t think much of it as my father-in-law is always burning cardboard and odds of recycling stuff somewhere on the farm. N’s become a bit obsessed with bonfires, sniffing them out everywhere. I’m not sure whether I should be worried about him and his love of them!
Then N started telling me that we were having a bonfire and fireworks so I presumed we were. I get more information from N than I do from the OH sometimes.
Of course, as per usual, they decided to be a bit last minute and I got a call at work after lunch, asking me to pick up some fireworks. Not possible if he wanted me to pick up N on time and get back to the farm at a reasonable time. Luckily, after I’d ranted a bit at work about last minute requests, 30 minutes later I was texted to say they’d bought some and I didn’t need to pick any up.
I rushed home after work to pick up N. Reminding him there was a bonfire and fireworks waiting for him was a great way to get him to hurry up and leave nursery. Then it was get organised and get layered up.
As we’d be trekking up the hill behind the farm it was lots of layers and overalls to avoid getting too mucky. I had to resort to walking boots because my wellies (however chunky they are) don’t fit round my calves – they did just about before, but now I’ve had another DVT and put on weight there’s no chance even without a pair of jeans on. I dream of the day I find custom made welly boots.
We had a hotdogs over at the farm along with the rest of the family – all the nephews, niece and inlaws were out for the bonfire too so it was a busy house. Then it was boots on and up to our hill behind the farm. We did cheat and get a lift in the pick-up from halfway up to see the blazing bonfire.

It was pretty spectacular, and was such a lovely night as well, with a bright full moon; a lovely night to be out on top of the hill.
The children all huddled and made themselves comfortable, not worrying that the ground was a little wet.

N loves being with his cousins, and it didn’t worry him being outside after dark. He was keen to be with his Gran on the walk up and down though. Shows who his favourite is!

The his uncle set off the fireworks. He’d only got about 30, but it was so lovely to have our own firework display and share it with the rest of the family.

We could look across the field and see car lights flashing as they drove along the rural roads. And of course see all the distant fireworks being let off elsewhere.
N got a bit bored after a while and wanted to go home, so after watching the bonfire for a bit longer, we headed back down to the farm again. A final chit chat (and more food for some of the children, N included), and it was N’s bedtime.
Hopefully next year we’ll do it again and have it as a new family tradition. And maybe we’ll coordinate 2 of the men lighting the fireworks to avoid too much waiting around for the younger children.
Have you been to a firework display? Where’s the best display you’ve ever seen?
Home displays are always the best. Looks like it was beautiful x
Sounds amazing, nothing beats a real bonfire. #letkidsbekids
It sounds like the start of a wonderful tradition for you all. We didn’t get to go to a bonfire this year because our plans were sadly rained off. I have high hopes for next year #letkidsbekids
Fingers crossed. Although I bet we don’t always have as nice weather.
That’s a pretty impressive bonfire – I love your photo of the firework too, I took loads but they were all a bit pants! We went to a friends firework display and party this year which has become something of a tradition now. Great fun!
Great bonfire! I love guy fawkes night and have fond memories as a child, so desperately want to do the same for my kids. So far we have had some lovely memorable fireworks nights.
It’s such a great family and/or friends thing to do.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Me too. My brother and I were only saying how good the displays were when we were children. Still looking for a really good one near us. Our local one’s ok but not that big
Nothing better than doing your own and having the farm land for the bonfire too makes all the difference. this looks like a great tradition. I hope it stays dry for ours tomorrow night too. Thanks for sharing with me on Country Kids and great firework captures!
I’m hoping it turns into a tradition. think the OH was getting ahead of himself and suggesting they could do more and invite the village, but I think there’s probably way too many health and safety bits required to do that.
Hope yours was dry
Sounds like a fab night was had by all and what a view from what you have described. we went to a local display and then a drive which the kids enjoyed. I think next year if its dry, we will do a bonfire in the back garden 🙂 our kids also like being with the family 🙂
How lovely to have your own bonfire on the farm and a family firework display – that sounds like a great tradition to start. We’re not planning on going to a fireworks display this year as my two are still very little but thankfully they’re not bothered by all the noises of the local displays around bedtime!
Hopefully it will be a tradition. so nice to get all the kids out mid week and do something a bit different to usual.
Ha – enjoyed reading about this. Made me feel quite nostalgic for when my children were younger. I haven’t been to a display yet – our communal garden has one at the weekend . But sadly I think the days of us organising one as a family are over!!
I’ve always been to organised displays and would never do one in the garden, but having the hill and the farm means lots of safe place away from other houses.