9th birthday and the birthday interview
I now have a 9 year old. As I’m sure all parents say, time whizzes by (and I’m sure it goes faster when you’ve got children). N’s surely into tween age now, although so far he’s remained level headed, with no sign of pre-puberty angst or worry. Fingers crossed his tween years go fairly quietly and calmly as previous years have been.
For his birthday he had a few friends go bowling with him. They had 2 hours to bowl, plus pizza and chips brought to the lane. They all got on really well despite not all knowing everyone, had a laugh but still behaved well. And no OTT competitiveness. Thankfully N isn’t too worried about losing, but he did score the only true strike at the last minute while the others were getting quite a few spares. It was lots of fun, and he’s lucky he has a lot of friends who are lovely boys.

I had to bake a cake – his request a Victoria sponge, but we decided to buy a back up as I only had the aga to bake with. We tried out bowling ball biscuits first in case the baking was a nightmare. They turned out well although the icing did smudge once they were in the cellophane for party bags. (Note to self, always do what the recipe says – ie heat on low for 10 mins to set the icing – even if it seems like madness).
There wasn’t time to make the cake for the party, so they had a shop bought one instead. So I ended up baking the night before his birthday. My Victoria sponges in the electric oven aren’t usually my best cakes as they’re often too dry around the edges to get the middle cooked. But it seems Agas are the best way to bake them. Nice and flat (I’d had to open the door to check how done the sponges were), well risen and soft but firm. A big success, and it even got the nod from my brother who tried it.
He also had a cake from his gran, and his friend’s mum when he was at their house after school. So definitely a boy who’s treated really well.
Over to the birthday interview. There’s quite a few changes from last year’s interview and some surprised. But as sweet as ever.

The birthday interview
1, What’s your favourite colour?
What do you think it is? Blue
2, What’s your favourite toy?
Xbox…um. Gravitrax
3, What’s your favourite food?
Gran’s Yorkshire pudding
4, What’s your favourite tv show?
A week to beat the world (wow, something different to Operation Ouch)
5, Where do we live?
P house (he looked at me really strangely when I asked this)
6, What does Mummy do?
In Dad’s opinion or mine? Blogging or working. But in the holidays you were driving all over the place and to the shop all the time, which isn’t good for the environment like your job is meant to do. You work in environment work.
7, What does Daddy do?
Well, he’s my dad. He does dadding, and looks after me, and does farming that makes him smell like cow poo, but it’s not too bad.
8, Who’s your best friend?
That’s a hard one, G or L. I don’t really have a best friend. Its a few. Who was it last year? H
9, What do you want to be when you grow up?
Tennis player
10, What’s your favourite thing to do with Mum?
11, What’s your favourite thing to do with Dad?
He laughs. Having scraps
12, If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Does it have to be a different country? Wimbledon
13, What makes you happy?
Being appreciated for the things I’ve done. Do you think you are? Yes. By Katharine House Hospice, because not all children would send money in to them. (Much deeper answer than I assumed he’d say)
14, What makes you scared?
Probably my dad jumping out at me and hiding then booing.
15, What’s your favourite sport?
Duh, Tennis
16, What’s your favourite book?
George’s marvellous medicine (Bit surprised about that one)
It won’t be long before he’s in double figures!
How do your children celebrate their birthdays?