Preschooler sweet nothings and a pretty christening
It’s always good when your child starts saying nice things about you. It’s not often N says much about people. Thankfully we’ve not had him pointing out people in the street and asking about babies etc, given he’s recently got a bit obsessed with sticking his ‘babies’ (ie his Peter Rabbit and taggy blanket) up his top.
The other day we went the christening of an NCT friend’s baby. Being extremely poor at my attempts to lose weight, and instead have been gaining it, none of the huge number of dresses in my wardrobe fit me anymore, so I had to go and buy something to wear.
Christening dress code
Two dresses bought, one a disaster and one a safe option. I’d decided to opt for black tights and long boots, only to realise on Sunday that it was over 20 degrees, and that I’d have to wear light tights – except they didn’t fit, so had to resort to horrendous barely black that I’d swiped new from my mum’s chest of drawers when clearing out. I then had a panic about shoes as I was planning tan shoes, and had to then scramble under the under-the-stairs cupboard to find some black heels. I wasn’t sure about wearing heels all afternoon as I’ve not really worn heels since being in this job. Luckily they were M&S ones with padded soles so weren’t too bad.
Decision made, I got N dressed in his ‘party’ gear, thinking to myself that it was probably the wrong way round getting him dressed first. Then got myself dressed, while he lounged on the bed.
‘Mummy, you look like a ballerina’ he piped up.
Aw, heart melt…I obviously didn’t, but shows how often he sees me in a skirt or dress. And he’s never really paid much attention to Angelina Ballerina, so I’m not sure where he’s got the correct ballerina term from. I was impressed!
As he’d said that, and reiterated it again ‘your dress makes you look like a ballerina’ (and no it wasn’t a tutu style prom dress, but a simple jersey one), I thought I should humour him and do some ballet moves. Well, I did do ballet until 6th form. He found that hysterical, then stood up on the bed himself to have a twirl. I do love how 3 year olds will have a go at anything.
We had to get over him trying to take my fingerprint necklace I was going to wear
‘You can’t have it mummy, it’s my finger’,
Christening chat
Then we headed off to the christening. N was on form with the questions that day. He spotted the graveyard and asked a man coming out of the church if we could go to the park through it. The poor man was a little confused, but it made sense to N because you walk through our local church to get to the park. The man told him where the park was, so we had to go and have a little look before taking our seats in the church.

In the church N was so good. It was a very relaxed service with children wandering around as they wanted. One of my friends said she was mortified at hers being two of them wandering round, but it didn’t matter as the vicar was fine with it, and I think it’s good if you have children who want to explore and find out what’s going on. N on the other side, just sat on my lap, and wasn’t really that interested on the whole. He’s definitely a watcher, although when we got to the village hall afterwards, he launched straight onto the playdoh table and the baby toys…what is it with older children enjoying playing with baby toys?

Christening party decoration
My friend’s party decoration and food is always immaculate and she had done a brilliant job again. The turquoise and pink vintage bird theme was gorgeous without being too girly and twee.

The children all had cool cardboard car lunch boxes with a mix of food in – something a little bit different and exciting always goes down well, although N then did the rounds at the ‘adult’ food table, trying out some of the pasta when he had the chance.

The dessert and sweets table was gorgeous. Such detail, and delicious – I just had to try a bit of everything. I totally blame this friend for my not managing to lose much weight after having N, thanks to my being unable to say no to her cake testing for her business launch.

It was a beautiful day, and the children wanted to get outside and have chance to run around the hall.

Standing on the wall was another fun activity and it was so lovely to see N back in with the NCT children. We don’t get to see them very often because of my working full time. Hopefully we’ll be catching up again soon.

Once we got home I was straight out of my dress, to put it away for another day. If I get lovely comments like that from N when I wear dresses, maybe once I’ve lost a bit of weight, I’ll start wearing them more often.
What nice sentiments have your children come out with?
It is so lovely when they come out with things like that!
Thanks for linking up with #wotsofunee this week!
Make the most of it – at this age, children really are our biggest fans. What a little cutie. Looks like a fabulous day, love the bird cages 🙂
I know what you mean. Definitely need to enjoy it while he’s like this!
Wow! What an incredible party with amazing looking food and impressive decorations! I love the pictures of your son too…he looks very cute!
I know, I wish I was a) as creative and b) as efficient, especially with 2 children like she has
Wow that looks really lovely, how fab are those kids boxes and bird biscuits. Mich x
I know. The boys were a little dubious at first of the pink cars, but hey, there was food. Great way of doing it! She makes cakes for a living, so is very good with party/arty stuff
Wow that looks like some party! How lovely! Kids are just so adorable aren’t they! x
They are sweet. Makes up for all the horrendous demands and strops they might get in
AWE! What a truly sweet comment from your son! And I have those moments of not knowing what to wear or having anything that fits all the time 🙂 so i’m right there with you !
Kids can be cute sometimes! I think a lot of women have the same problem as us. One day I will get back into my clothes I love.
My son comes out with funny things all the time. He said I look good for my age the other day 🙂
Looks like it was a lovely day. How fab are those kids lunches.
Lol, I guess as long as he follows it up with 21 of course.
I love it when they say things like that. Lucy said the other day “you’re my favourite pudding mummy” which I took as a compliment as she does love her pudding! Love the cute christening decor x
Aw, that’s cute. They can say really lovely things