Keto diet week 2 and how it’s going
Two weeks into my ‘aiming for’ keto diet, lunches are proving a little boring. When the weather’s cold, I want stodge and hot food not cold salads, but we’re limited on reheating in the microwaves. It means I’m eating a lot of salads.
I’m still enjoying the new meals. I do need to meal plan new ideas for the weekday evenings, otherwise I rush in and just start doing the same meals like scrambled eggs or stir fries.
I’ve finally got round to ordering some almond flour online. I resorted to Amazon as none of the shops near me had any. Hopefully this will give me more flexibility in making dough and ‘bread’. The 90 seconds coconut flour bread is ok with other food on top like eggs, but just toasted with butter, I can’t stomach any more than 2 small slices.
But doing veg, meat and dairy meals is great and I’m not missing carbs from my meals, even those I love.
I did have a blip on Sunday as it was N’s birthday party at the bowling alley. One child didn’t want his milkshake and I didn’t think to say no when offered it instead. The only no-no in it would have been the sugar/syrup content. It was worth the blip though. Then we mad the mistake of taking the leftover pizza home with us. N had a couple of slices, and I couldn’t resist trying half a slice. Oh, and I had to try one of the bowling biscuits I made.It has been easy to get back on the diet afterwards though.

Week 2 keto diet
For this week, I’ve tended to eat lots of leftovers for lunch – roast or weekend leftovers, or from the previous evening’s meal. I did try a 90 second mug bread which was fun to see how it works, but I need to find a more moist version unless I overslather it with butter.
Dinners were more interesting. They’ve helped me be a little more adventurous again. I’ll just put in whatever ingredients I fancy depending on what I’ve got. I’m also using up more food that I’ve bought – I’m buying exactly what I need because I know exactly how much I will eat rather than having to guess for N and the OH. However buying normal bread for N is creating waste still because usually I’d help him eat it but now can’t.
Dinners for week 2 keto included:
- Chicken and mozzarella in tomatoes with onions and herbs.
- Omelette with cheese, peppers and spring onion
- meatballs with courgetti alfredo
- coconut pancakes with greek yoghurt and tangerine
- chicken stir fry with halloumi thrown in
- Courgetti bolognese with cheese
- roast chicken and cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.
Diet results
For one day of blips it still turned out to be a good week and overall I’ve lost nearly 2 stone. The big test will be my INR test his week – if I have a wild fluctuation, I might have to reassess.
As well as the weight loss I’ve noticed my hair is behaving itself more. I don’t know if that’s because I’m eating a lot more veg than usual. My water intake is slightly higher but probably not enough to make a difference to health or skin. My skin is just the same – with the same hormonal spots.
So into week 3 and so far so good. I think Keto would be a lot harder if I was having to cook for the whole family every day. N would probably be easier than the OH as he’ll eat all different egg types, but the OH won’t. Weekends only is working ok, but for some meal favourites like cottage pie or macaroni cheese, I’m not sure I could just ake a variation of those for me.
For those readers also on a keto diet journey, let me know how yours is going and whether you have any meal recommendations.
Hi, well done on your weight loss! I have never done keto but my husband has been on it since just before Christmas. You might already know about these but I’ve been getting him a product called Slims from Home Bargains. They are about £1.19 a pack I think. Very low carb, a bit like poppadoms. Might be an alternative if you can’t stomach the coconut bread. This is them on Amazon but much cheaper at Home Bargains. They have 3 different flavours at my local store.
Good luck and keep going!
Thanks so much for the tip. I will check out my local store over the weekend. Hope your husband’s finding it a good diet to.
It sounds like the new diet is going well. Ahh! I think you are expected to have a little blip when it comes to kids birthday parties. The bowling biscuits did look very good.
All of your dinners sound so tasty. I do like the sound of the coconut pancakes. Well done with the weight loss x
Thanks Kim. I’ve turned into a feeder at work though. Anything sweet that’s not being eaten at home goes into work!