Project 52 2021 week 2 – bacon and eggs
Well, we’re into week 2 of the year. Our first full week of the return of remote learning., and second week of work for the year for me. Covid is still high with record levels even above figures back in the spring. Vaccine roll out is progressing though, so that’s one thing that seems to be going well in the UK compared with everything else.
Here’s this week’s project 52.
Just a normal Sunday at home. N helped move a couple of sheep into the paddock behind, but otherwise it was just a relaxing day of reading, puzzling and watching films.
Monday was a bit of a shock to the system when we read the full move to remote learning for school. They’re now on Teams all day learning alongside those in class, with the teacher setting them independent work and will pop back on to check how they’re doing. They stop for break time and lunch the same as school (lunch thankfully matches when the farm stop for lunch, but break time is different). Then stop around 2.20-2.30 so they can all go and do some kind of exercise. They also get homework, and they upload all their work. N says he wishes he was in school, but is enjoying the remote learning too. He can sort it all out himself and I think he’s learning so many new skills which will help with secondary school and further along in his education and potentially career.
It’s hard when N is online and trying to listen, as well as me being in meetings, but it’s working so far.
Tuesday was another normal home school and work day. We’ve now worked out that there’s a film crew mini-busing all the crew from a field nearby us to where the filming’s going on. It means there’s minibuses permanantly going up and down our road, loads of cars parked up there, and there must be so many people involved in it. Seems noone informed the villagers etc, as there’s a lot of frustration given everyone’s in lockdown but numerous people are driving into our area daily from god knows where for filmwork.
Wednesday was more of the same. N has found my fitboard/balance board and is loving playing on that. It might help his balance for tennis. He’s also made himself a new blanket den in the living room.
On Thursday N wanted to make dinner again, he’s really getting keen on extending his home cooking repertoire. We decided on southern breadcrumbed chicken goujons and wedges. He did a great job. One of the farm cats was mooching around our garden wall. The cats don’t usually come this far unless on occasion they want to get to the paddock behind. I was wondering whether it had got wise to the fact that there are lots of birds coming to the feeders.
Friday was back cooking again. The OH did bacon and eggs for them to have in sandwiches for lunch. So by the time I was ready for my lunch, N offered to make some for me too. Result. I had worried because Tesco had a power cut on Thursday, the shop was shut and when it opened the freezers and chillers were down. Luckily my Friday delivery was only missing 2 items and 8 substitutes were sensible.

On Saturday it was a lazy day as usual. I tried to catch up with some reading but didn’t get much read, as N wanted to watch some films. He’s really got into them recently, and it’s nice we can watch together and chat about them. The OH hates people talking or laughing loudly through films or tv shows, but N and I have a right old discussion and laughing moments through watching.
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I fancy a bacon and egg butty now I have seen your picture! The southern breadcrumbed chicken goujons and wedges sound good too. Our weekends have definitely become more chilled during lockdown. I think we are glad of the break from homeschooling. I love watching films together but my boys prefer gaming.
Yes, N will play Farming Simulator a lot too, but if he’s not doing that or out on the farm with his dad, he quite likes watching films now.
Looks fun that N is enjoying his cooking! How does teams work for homeschooling? We have been on Zoom
It works similarly to zoom with the dial in/teaching, but it’s got everything like assignments areas that they can upload their work too, and because it’s Office 365 based, they do their work and IT practice on Word within Teams on their school account. A relief because the Office my nephew set up my son’s laptop with, has expired, so he can’t edit anything using that.
Your school sounds very on the ball, we still don’t have any live lessons at all. Glad he is enjoying it, as it makes all the difference. Charlie is also starting to try his hand at cooking which I am trying to encourage. Will have to check out your blog post as I think he could do with some ideas of what to try. That’s very naughty that you have not been told about the filming!
N’s very picky about what he will and won’t cook, but anything is better than I did as a child. He loves chopping veg and peeling. Could be handy for getting a teenage job when he’s older!
The school set up sounds good and glad N is coping well with it. My older son is moving to live lessons next week, which to me, doesn’t bode well for going back to school after half term
It’s given so much more independence for him. He can just sort all his assignments out himself, upload and print off the work, he’s doing the photos of his work, and it’s up to him to log in on time etc. It’s just a shame they can’t see each other for safeguarding reasons. Hope the live lessons works well for yours.
I do like that some schools are using google teams for homeschooling but I’m also glad that ours isn’t. I wouldn’t be able to cope with my work and sorting them out. I wonder what they are filming. Surely they should have let you all know what was going on #365
On Facebook, it seemed that it was a film about Elizabeth I at a nearby stately home. They were only here a week thankfully.
Glad that home-schooling is going well for N. I love that he wants to help with the cooking and that egg and bacon sandwich looked very yummy. How lovely to sit and watch films together and chat about them. #project365
Makes a change on the films as he’s never been interested before. And the ones he likes are reasonable for me to watch too.
They should have warned the village if they were coming to film! Doesn’t seem like the right time to do it anyway!
Sounds like N has settled into the home learning!
That’s just what we thought too. The number of mini buses going past each day was madness. At least they were done in a week.
Glad the home schooling is working better now, sounds well organised. N seems to be enjoying the cooking, a well made bacon and egg butty. My husband likes to sit in silence through tv programmes, I’m like you, like to discuss what’s going on.
Maybe it’s a boy/girl thing with the tv. Or just my family were real chatterboxes. It’s like at the dinner table. The OH doesn’t want lots of chat, but N is like me and will chat about everything. Surely that’s what being together for a family meal is about!
I think it’s why I like Gogglebox. The OH would hate it!
Sounds like N is far more independent than mine is with regards to school work but I guess they’ll all come out of this with skills they wouldn’t have otherwise. Glad Tesco didn’t let you down, I heard others weren’t quite so lucky! #365
His teacher is very strict about their independence. She expects them to work independently in school and therefore she keeps reminding them (and parents) that they should be working the same at home. He does ask me to write down the spellings and when she’s dictating sentences for them to write, because she goes too quickly, and he can’t remember the sentence coming while he’s writing the one just gone, so I help fill in the gaps. In school they’d usually have it on the board to see. I think all of his year group are struggling with that according to the whatsapp group with everyone trying to work out the spellings. But otherwise he’s self sufficient apart from the occasional panic he’s not understood something. Even though he usually has, he just needs the rant.
The IT skills they’re learning is brilliant though. His typing has improved so much.
Glad to hear that N is learning a lot of new skills which will be very useful when he goes to secondary school. Great that he wants to do more cooking and expand his repertoire, I wish my son showed any interest in cooking, so far he takes after his father. 🙂
That bacon and egg sandwich looks tasty.
Lol, my OH is quite a good cook but rarely cooks as I’m the one in. If I’m not around, he’d eat at the farm. But he does cook steak when we have that.
It sounds like the home learning is going well. It is hard work for them getting used to a new way of learning but it sounds like your boy is doing great.
That is a bit cheeky that people are visiting your village to film something especially as we’re in the middle of a pandemic.
Well done N with the cooking!
That sandwich looks so good. The eggs are perfect x
Thankfully the filming people were only there a week, then the tent and car park area was all packed away.