Project 52 2024 week 37
My cold is still hanging around this week which is annoying, but at least I’m feeling totally back to normal. The week is ending on a high – hopefully – back to a different theatre with friends. Otherwise, here’s my week 37 for project 52.
Sunday – tested negative, so am now allowed back in all the rooms of the house, although still being called Covid girl. Fingers crossed noone else comes down with it. Bonus – N made crumble for pudding, and he did steak and everything for dinner too (with a bit of help from the OH on the steak, and help on the potatoes from me).
Monday – work, and back to school. Evidently there were 12 kids having to stand up this morning on the bus. Given there’s some really steep hills it’s not really safe. Why on earth they cancelled the later bus going to the girls grammar and the college I’ve no idea. In the afternoon they’ve stopped doing a double decker for some reason too, so that’s busier as well, but not quite as bad. Hopefully once clubs start back after school that’ll thin the afternoons out a bit.
Tuesday – not much happening today, just work and school. Although evidently some complainers about the buses have been told that they’re running late due to everyone buying £2 single tickets so the buses are being late for the last few school stops. They’ve said they’ll be running the buses from town earlier – I’m hoping our stop will be the same time, as we already leave the house at 7.20am.
Wednesday – timetable sagas with N being removed from history register, a change to a different food tech teacher who didn’t have room for him in the class, and instead of history he appears to now be in RE, which was the option he’d dropped this year. He spent a lesson trying to get it fixed, but it’s still not right. We only noticed the RE/history issue in the evening, so it was too late to fix in school. Football training in the evening, it’s so nice to see them all outside again on the pitches. Had a chat to one of the mums.
Thursday – in the office for work as my car was in for service. Looks like need new tyres at some point (they really shafted me with rubbish ones when I bought the car) before my MOT, and brake pads may need sorting, but hopefully they’ll do them when it goes in. I also need to get it to a dealer for them to update the satnav, and ask them about my keys again. The dealer I bought them from changed the battery, but the mechanic says I shouldn’t need to be holding it to the sensor thing for the ignition to go on like the dealer said. Blooming dodgy dealers as usual.
More timetable woes. He was told I need to email the options teacher (although she’s not the person who sorts the timetables), so he ended up having to go to an RE class that he shouldn’t be studying, and missing a food tech lesson (we think). So unless the teacher can pick up the email before school tomorrow, and before lesson 3, he’ll be in another wasted class. That’s 3 lessons this week that have been a waste, and he’ll have missed correct lessons.
Friday – early food shop from the friendly girl driver. N’s timetable is sorted finally. He’s no longer got the best history teacher, but he’s ok with the 2 he’s now got. Phew. Chippy tea for a treat, as no tennis lesson this evening. I really hope they find a new coach, because the longer we don’t have it on, the less likely the kids will be to go back.
Saturday – early trip to town for the bakery and then farm shop. Felt like I’ve not been for so long to those, what with holiday and then being ill. N went with his uncle and cousin out for breakfast, then is going to the pub with his grandparents for tea. I’m off with a couple of old dance friends to see A Chorus Line in Birmingham, so the OH is left to his own devices at home.

New posts this week:
- Visiting Beaumaris Castle and a Puffin Island cruise
- Hilton Dublin Charlemont stay
- Newborough Forest and Llanddwyn beach walk
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- Being in the office and chatting with someone I’ve not seen for a while
- Chatting at football
Things I’m grateful for:
- The power cut only being for 15 minutes. There was a bit of a panic as I was about to go into another meeting
- My car making it through its service with no urgent things to fix (although I think I’d have preferred doing them now rather than waiting for its MOT)
- The new bus pass our kids can use for this bus is £4 cheaper than the one last year. Yay.
Shame about the timetabling and missed lessons, glad it’s sorted now, we’ve had similar issues in our school. I hope the car is sorted now. Kids standing on the bus doesn’t sound good. the people in their offices who sort these things, could do with coming to work on a bus, they’d soon sort these things out then.
Sorry to hear you have been poorly, there seems to be a lot going around at the moment. Hope the service goes well, my husband just had his done and they had the car a week and it’s come back with the same fault
I am glad you are feeling better now.
N sounds like a great cook.
The buses being cut makes no sense. Ours is the same, by the middle of the route the bus is always full with people standing. It is dangerous! Thankfully it seems to run on time as all the schhool and college kids have bus passes and get straight on.
Oh no! What a faff with the timetable and a shame N is missing lessons. I’m glad it’s sorted now. x
Glad you’re feeling back to normal and hope the cold goes completely soon. It sounds crazy that the bus company cancelled the later bus given how busy the bus is. Glad you finally got N’s timetable issues sorted out. Hope that you enjoy seeing A Chorus Line. #project365