Tips for moving from cot to toddler bed
We’ve taken off the sides from the cot bed to make it into a toddler bed. It was needed because we’d heard him climbing over the sides of his cot. It’s a big milestone moving from a cot to toddler bed, and it’s gone well so far.

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N’s first night in his proper bed was a big success. It probably helped that the bed itself hasn’t changed, just been converted to a bigger boy bed.
He only got out once, and that was because he heard his dad come in from work just before 8. Of course that meant little steps coming downstairs to see him, and that Dad would have to put him back to bed again. But once he was back in bed that was it for the night.
We’re really lucky he likes his sleep.
There was no falling out even though to me it seems like a tiny bed, although I’d put on a standard single sized duvet sideways so it covered him and the floor. Had he fallen out, he’d have likely just fallen onto more duvet. So the bed guard was a waste of money (although it was a bargain at an NCT nearly new sale).
Needless to say, he was up at 5.15am, and didn’t want to go back into his room to read or play…it’s a bit dark for playing in really. We haven’t yet got the Gro clock doing its job yet, so I think I’m going to have to readjust the day wake time to much earlier and then move it forwards gradually.
Tips for moving from cot to toddler bed
Only you’ll know when your toddler is ready to have the sides moved off the cot, or move to a toddler bed.
1. We used a cotbed rather than a cot which mean there was no change to the bed. Apart from removing the cot sides, the rest of the bed is the same so it’s familiar for the toddler.
2. Keep the bedding the same to keep it familiar. For us this was easy as we didn’t need to buy new sheets etc. But keeping the same duvet and pillows will help.
3. Get them used to the bed gradually. This will be more possible if they’ve got a new bed so it can be set up ready. They can nap in it, and play in it during the day.
4. Talk to them about the change so they know what’s happening and what the expectations are
5. Keep the bedtime routine the same as normal. Then there’s only one thing in the routine that’s changed.
6. Talk about their success and praise when they go to be nicely and stay in bed to sleep.
7. Be patient. Reinforce what happens at bedtime, and keep consistent with returning them to bed until they stay.
8. Make sure the bed and surroundings are safe. Have a bed that’s low to the ground, and add rugs or blanket on the floor if they’re likely to move around a lot and fall out. You can also use a bed guard* (although we struggled to get ours to stay on – luckily we didn’t need it). Also make sure there’s a stairgate at the top of the stairs, and anywhere upstairs they can roam has nothing dangerous that’s accessible (think bathroom cabinets!)
Hopefully these tips will help with moving your toddler from cot to toddler bed.
Ohh well done your boy!!
I always feared my girls would fall out of bed when we took the sides off their cot….They never! I think my eldest has fallen out of bed just once and that was a few months ago…She’s 10 so once in 10 years isn’t too bad…lol