Wasgij Mystery 11 Childcare puzzle solution
Another day another Wasgij puzzle. And this time one from a few years ago. While it’s quite hard to get hold of newer puzzles at the moment, there are plenty of older puzzles being sold second hand so I just keep a watch out. I just need to sell some of my old jigsaws to make room for more.
Wasgij Mystery 11 Childcare puzzle was a second hand purchase recently. It’s definitely one of the easier Wasgij puzzles to complete as there isn’t a lot of just one colour space.
One of the Wasgij Mystery range, you need to work out what happens next from the box image provided. As usual there’s a few hints on the box, and much of the surrounding area remains the same which makes it more straightforward to complete than the Original or Destiny ranges..

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The final image is full of fun toddler characters running riot in the nursery along with the childcare staff trying to sort them out.
You can find the puzzle solution by scrolling down. Or find out how I complete my Wasgij puzzles without looking at a solution with my step by step guide to puzzle completion.

Have you done Wasgij Mystery 11 Childcare? Let me know how you get on with your Wasgij puzzles.