20 questions Bookish book tag
This is the 20 Questions Bookish Book Tag.
I love a tag, and have done a few over the years. If you’re not sure what blogger tags are about, I wrote about them on my What is a blogger tag post, along with some great tags you can take part in.
They’re great for readers – well, anyone nosy – because you can find out more about what makes people tick. On the other side of that, for the blogger you’ve got content that’s personal to you, and helps get across what you’re about to your audience.
As a bookworm, I couldn’t resist doing this 20 questions Bookish Book tag. I’m warning you now though, don’t expect deep heavy books in my answers. After years of studying English Lit through to my 1st year at uni, I prefer books to be fast paced, away from real life, and not necessarily needing a lot of thought behind them. If I ever had 3 hours a day to read, I’d go back to reading more complex books, but I’m definitely a popular fiction type of reader, rather than Booker Prize winners!
See below for my Book Tag answers.

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1) How many books is too many books in a series?
I rarely set out to buy a book series. But probably 3 for me would be the maximum. However, if they’re huge tomes, I’ll probably buy the next in the series (or 2) and then never get round to reading them…In the Land of the Long White Cloud*, and Clifton Chronicles* are prime examples!
2) How do you feel about cliff-hangers?
I’m not a fan. I like to have a complete finish to a book, not keep me hanging on. I also like a satisfying ending too. Not one that’s a disappointment.
3) Hardcover or paperback?
Of the two, paperback. Hardbooks look nice, but they aren’t as comfortable to read and they’re expensive. But I mostly read on Kindle* nowadays. I can read late at night and just zoom in rather than having to find my reading glasses and sit under a really bright light.
4) Favorite book?
I can’t pick a recent book out, but I loved Shadow of the Wind* by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I bought it for a lot of friends for birthday presents the year I read it.
5) Least favorite book?
Donna Tartt – The Secret History. I truly hated it, I found it very pretentious and was the book I wished I’d not bothered finishing. It made me realise that my time’s too important to insist on finishing a book I don’t enjoy.
I also read Life of Pi pretty soon after that. Don’t know what I was thinking. Yawn. Didn’t enjoy that either.
6) Love triangles, yes or no?
As long as the right people win out in the end that’s fine. But I can’t really think of any books I’ve actually read (and remembered) that had one in.
7) The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?
Traces by Patricia Wiltshire, a memor of a Forensic Scientist and Criminal Investigator. I thought I’d enjoy this as I like watching crime shows and have read some similar books. But it was like an academic textbook. Boring.
8) A book you’re currently reading?
Rafa: My Story – it’s a slog, and I’ve just kind of stopped and gone off and read other things. Current book that’s distracting me is Single by Saturday, a trashy romance.
9) Last book you recommended to someone?
The Hunting Party* – Lucy Foley, during a messaging back and forth on Instagram.
10) Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)
The King’s England: Oxfordshire by Arthur Mee. Published 1942 – bought for me by my best friend. I haven’t read all of it, but have dipped in.
11) Newest book you’ve read? (Publication date)
Pretty much all the books I buy on Kindle, they’re mostly recent releases.
12) Favorite author?
I don’t have a specific author. Because I read Kindle books I tend to just buy whatever’s on offer. B.K (Before Kindle), I used to read lots of James Patterson, Lee Child, Jeffrey Deaver and Harlen Coben.
13) Buying books or borrowing books?
Buying, although I do tend to have 10 books at a time out on Prime library*.
I gave up borrowing library books after uni because I’d usually been through all the books available that I wanted to read at the library.
14) A book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?
I can’t think of one, although I’m sure there are several.
15) Bookmarks or dog-ears?
I try and use bookmarks, or bits of paper. But I will turn over pages if there’s nothing to hand
16) A book you can always re-read?
I don’t re-read books. I don’t think I’ve re-read a book since childhood. Actually Harry Potter, but only because I was reading it to N in the hope he’d get into them…he didn’t
17) Can you read while hearing music?
No, I prefer to have silence at home. Although I’d quite happily read in a coffee shop.
18) One POV or multiple POVs?
I don’t mind as long as it’s clear as to who’s point of view it is.
19) Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?
I’d love to get through a book in one sitting, but post children, and while working, that’s just never going to happen.
20) Who do you tag?
I wouldn’t want to tag anyone specific, but if you are a blogger and do your own version, do let me know so I can come and read.
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Loved reading your answers to this tag! Harry Potter is the only big series I’ve read and it’s also the ones I can read over and over again. I’m not much of a reader but I do listen to a lot of audio books these days.
I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an audio book. I think I’d feel like I needed to be doing something at the same time, but with a book, it’s a book and nothing else.
I am not a big book reader myself but I do like having a nosy at what other people are reading. x
Me too.