Meeting the horses at Redwings Horse Sanctuary
Last week was the first Sunday in ages that we had free, so I was determined that we’d get out and about for a walk. N wanted to go out on the farm with his dad, so I agreed that we wouldn’t go far and would be back before lunch. Ten minutes drive away we have a Redwings Horse Sanctuary and I’d been meaning to take N for a while. So we bundled into the car and headed over there.

Redwings is a charity, so although they don’t charge, we could give a donation or sponsor a horse (or donkey). I gave N the choice but he wasn’t bothered, so we just put some money in an envelope and he posted it into the donations box.

Despite the bitterly cold wind, the horses and donkeys were outside, mostly in their fields, being fed or tended to. N quite likes horses (at least he always says he’s going to go to his aunt’s house so he can ride his cousins’ ponies), so I wondered what he’d chatter on about. Mostly we talked about the types of fields – grass or chipping, the sort of fences, the tractors that were around, and the different names of the horses. And not forgetting explaining the measurement in hands…

We walked around the stable area, then up the long path down the middle of the fields. Some of the horses came over the see us. Although it seemed that the Poitous donkeys weren’t too keen on us and disappeared back into their stable.

Braving the chill (note to self, remember a hat for myself next time we go out in winter), we did venture down to the end of the walkway to see the big horses. They really are magnificent, and obviously the sanctuary do great work in bringing broken horses back to health.

Other activities at Redwings
By that time, N was a little bored of horses, and wanted to head back to the farm. It was a quick walk back to the cafe for a warm up drinks and biscuits. The cafe was basic, just a hatch really. I wasn’t sure what they serve, although it was pre-lunch so it was only really snacks (crisps, cake, biscuits) on offer at that point. When we sat down I noticed the menu which had jackets and sandwiches. But it’s not somewhere I’d go aiming to have lunch.
There’s also a children’s play area which looked quite good, but it’s closed for renovation at the moment. I’m not sure for how long though, because it’s already been closed for some time.

Having an hour to kill, it was a nice enough walk and look at the horses. They do have talks and tours. You can go when vets are there to find out what they do, so it’s a case of check the webpage out for details before you go. I might take N back if there was a special day or event happening. But unless you’re a real horse fan, it’s more like a drop in place on your way elsewhere..
Have you ever been to an animal sanctuary?
Check out other places to see animals in the UK.
Those are some fantastic looking horses, so well done the sanctuary. I think my son would be extremely interested in the vet talks too.
Redwings had a sanctuary near where I used to live in Suffolk but they sadly couldn’t keep it open due to flooding. I took Stella once and she dragged me out as fast as she could not wanting any other animals to have my attention. I went back on my own to leave a donation!
That’s sad. So funny about you being dragged out due to jealousy over attention. Guess they’re all competing so much for people’s donations, and certain locations do have problems outside of their control
Thanks for commenting Lisa.
Looks a great place. We have a retirement home for horses near us called Speen. They homed Sefton who was the horse who was seriously injured in an IRA attack in London. He was a Queen’s Guard horse. He was very popular and they ended up having to limit it to either one carrot or one polo per visitor. It’s a lovely place and we’re taking Lucas there next week. #animaltales
Aw that’s cute about Sefton. It’s so nice when sanctuaries can look after animals in their older years, and they do such a good job with rehabilitating injured or those who’ve been neglected. Thanks for stopping by
I suppose the main focus of a sanctuary is to save the horses and ponies and visitors come second to that …although presumably if they had more visitors they might raise more funds.
Many thanks for joining in with #AnimalTales, I think this was our first horse sanctuary to link up.
They do have events throughout the year, so I expect they get more visitors at those times. Thanks for stopping by
I loved riding horses as a child and have heard of the Redwings sanctuary before – it looks like they do some great work there!
I reckon so. All the animals looked in brilliant health, and there were lots of people working there when we were there.
I think my niece would be in horse heaven! Hopefully the playground is open again soon.
My daughter would love visiting this sanctuary! My son would be fascinated by the hands sign 🙂
If you’re a horse fan, they’re great places to visit. There’s a few around the country too
We’ve certainly been to an animal sanctuary but not one with horses! Would love to visit one too. We’ve only been to an Otter and Seal sanctuary which my daughter loved. I’m sure she’ll enjoy this one too 🙂 #animaltales.
Ooh the otter one sounds great too. They’re a great place to visit because you feel you’re helping them by going.
I have to say that I don’t think I have been to an animal sanctuary – it sounds like a lovely idea. Hope the play area opens back up again soon.
It’s never somewhere I’d usually think of going to, but it’s a great way to introduce children to charity places where you can see where the money goes and what good work is done. We did quite a bit of talking about that, donation vs sponsorship etc.
There’s a few around the country, so definitely worth checking out if you’re keen on horses.
What a fantastic job you do, wish it was me
Lovely photos of the horses. I wish they had something like this near us. Its great that you can just pop in and learn about the horses.
It’s brilliant for anyone with young horse lovers. And if you sponsor a horse, you can choose which one it is which is great.
In all the years I’ve lived in this area I have never been here, always handy to have somewhere that you could just make a quick stop at though, so will have to think about for the future.
I’ve been meaning to go for years, but just got round to it. Definitely just a drop in place, but worth going if you’re passing.
We nearly went in there last week as we’d been in Stratford-upon-Avon. Didn’t go in the end but we did go to Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary last year. The donkeys were incredibly well looked after and the sanctuary itself looked quite prosperous – I think it got a lot of donations!
Donkeys are lovely. The ones at this one had just lost their mum/friend, so a bit sad. But they do all look surprisingly healthy.
I got confused when I saw Redwings not realising they have places all around the country – as a youngster I visited the sanctuary back home in Norfolk and remembering sponsoring a horse! Looks very cold. The black and white photo is lovely – do you do the B&W photography project with Podcast Dove?
It was really freezing. Not my best brainwave going that day without a hat! I don’t do the B&W project – I have too many linkys already photography wise (and other), I struggle to get round to comment on a decent number of those. I do love B&S images though.
What stunning photos of the horses, they really are beautiful animals. The donkey is rather lovely too 🙂 It’s great that you can pop in and see what they’re up to and learn about how they take care of the animals x
Definitely, it’s an easy hour or so out, and it’s almost stripped back to a really basic education day out.