Music Exploration 16: Festivals at home
This month’s been a quiet one for music. Our plan to go to Cornbury didn’t happen because N had his non-birthday party the same weekend, so we’ve been limited to talking and listening to music on the radio and tv.
Listening to:
ACDC on the radio. It’s not often Radio 2 plays hard rock on the radio, but one day ACDC came on the radio on the nursery run. N was so pleased, he was singing along. We’ve also heard a couple of other rock tracks – N definitely prefers these to the pop that is played on Heart!
N also likes taking music and other CDs into nursery for them to play. Supposedly the other girl with him on Thursdays managed to avoid letting him play Guns n Roses, but when he does get to listen to music (and probably stories), he definitely lets himself sit back and relax.

Dancing to:
N has been (mortifyingly) teaching his friends at nursery to dance. I was even showed a N inspired bottom wiggle and dad-dancing arms that one of his friends was happy to show me. Oh dear. I hope his parents find it funny.
It doesn’t really matter what music is on, N will dance if he’s in the mood, but if I’m in the kitchen with music on (usually something suitable to west coast swing to), he will not dance with me. He doesn’t even like me dancing, even when I’m practising moves (I could understand if it was just disco shuffling!).
N’s becoming more picky. We tried camping out and he refused to sleep out so I’m planning to take his cd player with us so hopefully that’ll help send him off to sleep. His evening listening varies from Bruno Mars, Christmas compilation (I know, it’s nowhere near Christmas), Melanie Bridge (a random one of mine), and classical music. Oh with a touch of Disney thrown in. But, whatever is played, he has to decide and put it on himself.
He’s also been playing the piano. It was really funny because he was acting like he was reading the music as he played. I asked him if he wanted to have lessons to learn when he’s a bit older, and he said yes. Hopefully they’ll do classes at school, although it seems to be keyboard rather than piano.
Glastonbury and T in the Park. All of us enjoy watching festivals from the comfort of home, so we tend to record some of the tv coverage, then we can watch when we want to. The only thing we have to watch out for is the bad language, so it’s a case of watching first before setting N loose on it.
He was intrigued by Paloma Faith (well, who wouldn’t be), and Lionel Ritchie had him bopping round the room. But really it’s about the bands and just the atmosphere of watching everyone in the crowd enjoying themselves that he enjoys. I can see him being a big festival lover when he’s older.
If you’ve been exploring music this month with your children, do come and tell me about it, link up. It can be music crafts, singing, playing, dancing, watching or learning.