When Father Christmas comes to call – ideal stocking fillers
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I love Christmas, but nowadays it’s more about the preparation and choosing presents. Mostly because the day itself is always a disappointment because the last few years the rest of the OH’s family go off elsewhere and it just ends up being us and my brother. The OH has to then work (and doesn’t care about Christmas). My brother’s not keen on it, but will at least be a bit more jolly.
I’m hoping to get the in laws to ours, but I bet the OH didn’t invite them like I suggested, so I guess by this time they’ll be going elsewhere.
The one tradition I love is Father Christmas coming and delivering the stocking gifts. When we were children, we lived on a modern housing development where a lot of parents were sent the Studio mail order catalogue. It was brilliant because each year, Father Christmas seemed more real than ever because all the children got similar stocking gifts. One year it was all 10 in 1 colour and scented pens, another it was all personalised pencils, and another was little wooden bird or animal pencil sharpeners. Not quite what’s in a lot of stocking’s nowadays but good fun back then.

This year Santa will be bringing N some great stocking fillers. In our house, Father Christmas only brings stocking presents. Other presents are under the tree and are from those who’ve bought the presents. I don’t understand why Father Christmas would ever bring other people’s presents and luckily the OH’s family don’t do that either so there’s no conflict in our house agreeing what will happen.
Throughout the year I vaguely spot things that would be suitable for stocking gifts, although I don’t tend to buy until October. I have to admit I’ve been a bit rubbish this year with organising Christmas. N’s present is sorted, as is my godson, god-daughter/niece and best friend, but other than that I’ve not sorted out anything.
But the stocking gifts are pretty much bought and finished now. Only N gets a stocking (if the OH was more fun about it, he’d have one too, but he isn’t so it’s only N) and he’s easy to think of gifts for.
Stockings in our family always include some traditional items, some useful and then lots of fun ones. N also has a proper stocking (homemade by me – it’s not the best but it does the job and has his name on it), rather than a pillowcase or sack that seem to be getting more prevalent.
Here’s some of the fabulous items I’ve spotted that Father Christmas may be bringing N for his stocking…of course, only if he’s good
The traditional stocking fillers
- Chocolate coins
- A real coin – probably 20p-50p
- Satsuma
The useful stocking fillers
- Socks – because every child needs socks
- Gloves – last year’s are usually too small
- Hair clips or scrunchies
The fun stocking fillers
- Funky pen – the one I found in Flying Tiger is like a disco light.
- Robot/hand grabber – annoyingly he found one and bought it with his own money before I could think of a reason why he shouldn’t!
- Harmonica – to replace his one that was lost, unfortunate because the old one was really good
- Colour changing pens – I loved these as a child. Felt tips that when you go over the ink with the white pen they change colour. Hopefully will encourage him to do more writing
- Stretchy rope
- Wiggly snake/worm
- Mini bike lights
- Glow sticks
- Chapstick – you can get some great flavours
Where to buy stocking fillers?
I have a few favourite shops for buying small fun gifts for either Father Christmas or for party bags. I used to buy a lot from Hawkins Bazaar when they were on the high street, but now it’s more of a mish mash.
This year, Santa’s gone to
- Flying Tiger – like IKEA market street, but Danish. They do have online and a few stores. Our town’s only opened a couple of months ago but I love it for Christmas gifts.
- Wilkinsons – I virtually lived in Wilkos during my student days, having never seen a store before in the south, but this is great for presents – party bag/stocking fillers, crafty bits, and Wilko branded versions of popular toys and games. I also often go there for kids birthday presents because I can buy a bulk lot of presents for a bargain price (eg jigsaw puzzles)
Also good:
- Home Bargains – great for toys and little gifts, stationery, dvds – all at good prices.
- Superdrug
- Boots
- Claire’s Accessories
- Independent toy shops – ours has a brilliant pocket money toys section, and has saving/purchase plans in the run up
- The Entertainer – great for small jigsaws, crafts, pocket money toys and packet models
I probably spend up to £15 on stocking fillers and although the OH moans at it being tat, I do try and get decent things that N will love playing with and that will last.
The question is of course, to wrap or not to wrap stocking gifts?
Check out my other Christmas posts if you’re looking for other seasonal crafts, foods and gift ideas.
Some great ideas, Baby had a harmonica this year in hers. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
I love harmonicas. They never really sound bad, even with tots playing them! Thanks for stopping by and happy 2016
Love these traditional stocking fillers! If we were extra good we used to get a satsuma and coins ! :p socks are a given! I used to like nail polish when I was younger *cough still do* for the older girls it’s a nice idea 🙂 Thanks for sharing! #TheList
I love filling the stockings. We usually just pop lots of different chocolates in and maybe a little toy – popping over from Mummy 2 Monkeys
Ooh, you’ve just reminded me that I totally forgot to order Stacey some amazing coloured pens I’d spied for her Christmas stocking! Great suggestions, I agree with them all <3
Glad to help Louise!
I always loved stockings as a kid too! I think they are fun to shop for with my kids too. I’m not quite brave enough to put a harmonica in though!
Ah you should. They sound brilliant – even if you go for a £3-£5 version one.
I don’t really do stocking fillers. I do have the stocking hanging up above the chimney but that’s only for decorations really. Some nice ideas you have there. I don’t know if I would wrap it
Tiger is one of my favourite shops, so brilliant for little gifts and lots of useful things. I’m a bit Christmas obsessed and although my girls are way too old for Santa now, I still get really excited. Can’t imagine not caring about Christmas!
Ooh, I hope N’s happy to continue pretending for a long time. I love stockings.
Tiger is one of my favourite places to go for stocking filler gifts, I spend hours in there just touching and trying everything x
Me too. Having one in town means we see most of our work colleagues in there too!
It sounds like you’ve been having lots of fun planning stockings! 🙂 Tiger is really great for small gifts and I also love to support independent toy shops too. We don’t bother with stockings, as my daughter gets so many presents from everyone that our house would just be swimming in stuff!
Thankfully N doesn’t get too much, or they’re mostly outdoor larger toys, so let little bits around.
I’ve been looking for stocking fillers! So far i have shopkins and hair ties and paper and pens. Id like to go to ikea if i’m able thats a fab store and also boots and superdurg would be nice.
Love Ikea, but we’re nowhere near one (well 2 hour round trip) so not much chance of that.