Baby Christmas Party
Sunday was our little christmas party our NCT group had for the babies…or for us and the babies! Another chance to get them all dressed up while they’ll let us.
All the men (apart from mine) came along too. One family couldn’t make it in the end due to illness, but we made sure their secret santa gift was received and included so noone missed out. Yep, we decided that for any birthdays & christmases we will do secret santa style gifting to avoid things getting too ridiculous.
Christmas secret santa was a £5 limit which was pretty hard to keep to (I managed to get a couple of bargain items and topped it off with a personalised homemade gift, so was pretty close to the limit). Obviously the babies at 11 months old just wanted to play and weren’t fussed about their presents, but it was exciting for us to do it and see what everyone had. N’s gift was a really cool wooden stacking square ‘rings’ with different uniformed people on it, a toy that he can play with now, and then when he’s older can progress to sorting the sides by the uniforms as well. Lovely gift, and still not sure who our santa was.
It was a lovely afternoon…lots of christmassy (and non-christmassy food). Lots of fun and playing for the babies, lots of gorgeous photos & memories.

Can’t wait for the next big occasion which is the first birthday party. We are holding a joint 1st birthday for the babies as it seemed silly for us to spend the whole of late Dec-early Feb going to birthday parties. Should be good fun. It does look like we’re not actually going to do anything specifically for N’s. I would have just done a little tea party, but the OH thinks it’s pointless, and as we’d be inviting family only, it would need me to probably do a proper big meal for everyone rather than just sandwiches & party food, so it seems like a lot of effort. Maybe I’ll just make a nice meal for us and he can have a cake.
NCT groups are lovely aren’t they. Our ‘babies’ are all 2 now and we still all meet up, and have just done the Christmas gathering where we had done the secret santa at £5 too, we had their birthday party in Oct too, again doing secret presents for them at £10. Saves you having to buy lots of presents doesn’t it. That is a very amazing and yummy looking cake too!