Back to school and into Year 2
Well, the summer’s over…in months and weather. And it’s back to school for N and into Year 2.
After a year of playing and not really being interested in reading and writing in reception.
After a year of good progression to where he should be in Year 1.
After a summer of doing absolutely nothing in terms of reading or writing. Oh I lie, he wrote half a postcard before giving up. And read a way too easy reference book as part of the library challenge he then gave up on. Plus the day before going back to school again, he finished the final 5 pages of one of the reading books he’d brought home for the holidays.
N’s ready for Year 2. To be back in with all his other year 2s in one class. To be back with friends again he’s not seen for most of the summer. To be back ready to learn with a new teacher.
When I asked if N was pleased to be going back to school, of course he said no. But he was happy enough going back in to morning club, happy to see one of his favourite TAs taking it and back in their class. And he was pleased that there was mostly fun things to be done for the first day back.

He came home with his water bottle, jumper and coat. Pretty impressive start compared to his ability to do that in year 1! A half completed wordsearch of the classmates names. 23 of them this year. And a class bingo sheet. His main seat seems to currently be with two year 1 children. Hopefully now he’s in with his own year group, he’ll be sitting with them more rather than just the year below.
The one comment about the classroom he made was about 2 new tables and how they’d had to move them round. His maths table is placed so he can’t see the board, but he told me the teacher tells them to move to other set where they can see.
And it seems that playtime went well, with a good group of them playing a game together rather than him not playing with the others because they’re all playing football.
They had some homework for the first day that N started off being excited about. Choosing 5 things he likes, to take in and talk about at school…the next day.
Unfortunately taking in his quad bike, sheep or the dog wasn’t really going to work so we scaled down. Luckily I’d just printed off a load of holiday photos for him to do his summer scrapbook, otherwise he’d have been stuck because our home printer doesn’t connect to my laptop anymore. What I hadn’t counted on was him deciding in the morning that he didn’t want to use the photos we’d chosen. Aghhh. Instead he’d stuck them into the scrapbook meaning we had to find something to represent the dog.
In the end he decided on:
Lego – a photo of the lego sculptures at Marwell Zoo
Lego dog – to represent our dog (hope he remembers that link)
Foo Fighters cd – minus the CD because we couldn’t find it
Tennis ball
Massey tractor
So no friends or family in there. Sob.
N wasn’t impressed he might have to stand up and talk about what he’d brought in so I hope he gets on ok with it if he has to. (edited, it seems it went fine, and he said it wasn’t scary at all).
N doesn’t seem too worried about going up to Year 2. It helps that he’s been in that class a lot last year, knows and likes the teacher, and is ready to do some good work. Well, we’ll see how it goes on the work.
How has your children’s first day back at school gone? Or have they started this term?