School days Year 6 February
March is rapidly approaching and that’s another month of school days complete. A shorter month than usual thanks to not only the short number of days, but the fact Covid hit, so N ended up losing a week of school. Here’s February’s year 6 school days and goings on.
N’s school have been offering remote learning for those testing positive who can work, and those isolating – whether with family members or themselves. Unfortunately N’s headache caused him too much pain. He found when he did log on in the mornings, he struggled to concentrate, so he only managed about 3 hours over the 2-3 days he logged on.
Thankfully he managed to catch up the work he’d missed over the 2-3 days back at school. It was a shame that he missed the week before targets were counted up – he could have done with those 5 days to tick off more of his objectives. He’ll have to wait til the end of next term to hit that next target level.
While off he also missed the year 6 weigh in day. He was hoping to give them a piece of his mind about how appropriate the weighing school age children is but never mind. It would have been interesting to see what they said. Depending whether he’s grown at all in the last month or so, he’s at the lower end of the BMI scale but still healthy. It amused me that we still had a letter home from them, to say that he missed the weigh in and they may or may not return another day. Presumably that depends how many children they missed across the 2 year groups. I can’t believe it would be worth them coming back for so few children.

Star of the week
N was awarded Star of the Week for enjoying and being enthusiastic about all school activities. (I can name a few he really doesn’t enjoy but he’s hoping those will now reduce on the school schedule).
More sports injuries
Of course, there isn’t a month that goes by without N getting an injury of some sort. This time it was from hockey. He’s loving that they’re back playing it again. This time he was accidently tripped up by a stick, and ended up with a plaster covering his knee which was grazed, and his shoulder was also grazed – it’s taken a long time to heal.
Thankfully their other sport at the moment is circuits which he’s quite enjoying thanks to them getting to make up their own circuit activities.
Internet safety
Their school does quite a bit of ongoing work on internet and IT safety. N gets a bit bored with it (probably due to getting it at home as well as school). But it’s good they link it in to everything, and he seems pretty clear about what to do if there are any issues. Hopefully what he’s learnt will help on the move up to secondary school next year and the peer pressure there.
Term assessments
As it’s getting ever closer to SATs time, they’re continuing with their termly assessments. They were largely done in the week N was off with Covid. So he had to do them on catch up. I’m not sure how they went given he missed hte week of school beforehand and it took him a bit of time to get back into school again. I suspect his spelling will be the main ‘to work on’ area again. It’s frustrating because he writes but doesn’t think about spellings, and doesn’t notice (if/when) he goes back and checks, that anything is wrong. But if I verbally ask him, ‘how do you spell xyz?’, he immediately knows the correct spelling. I don’t know how you practice getting the written part of spelling down.
Holiday homework
They had more homework this half term, not just reading. Instead, 2 lots of maths, and 2 reading comprehension sheets. N wasn’t too worried about it, but of course he left it until quite late on in the holidays. I really wish he’d get back to doing homework on a Friday before tennis. It gets it done and out the way.
High opinions
Evidently N isn’t impressed with the school council’s decisions for Red Nose Day activities. He’s made a complaint to them. I never thought he’d be so opinionated. Hopefully he channels his irritations in a suitable way, but I’m glad he’s found his voice and is confident enough in putting forward what he believes in.
March will see secondary school places confirmed. Fingers crossed for us, and all of you with Year 6 children hoping for the places you want.