Back to tennis and a bit of normality
While the opportunity for private tennis lessons has been back for a few weeks with Covid-19 easing, group lessons weren’t an option at that point. N didn’t go back to his individual lessons due to tonsillitis and the OH initially saying no. But group lessons are back on and there’s more easing going on with what’s available, so it was time to get back to tennis and back to outside of the farm bubble.
Apart from a trip to the local village shop and to the nurse/dispensary for me, I’ve not been anywhere since schools closed in March. N hasn’t been anywhere outside of farm work.
It was wonderful just to get in the car together. N’s not been in the car with me for months. We could listen to the radio, chat about what we were seeing out there, and the car is now getting a better run out, at least 20 minutes each way once a week is much better for it, than a nip to the shop 5 minutes down the road.

Tennis has moved venues at the moment. I don’t know if it will be long term, but from one private school to another’s courts. The 3 groups are taken one after the other rather than simultaneously. The group before ours had quite a few children in it – it looked like a full group, With N’s group only 3 boys turned up. Usually there’s 6, so I don’t know if the others haven’t signed up for the summer block or they just couldn’t come that week.
Although they have to follow social distancing rules, sanitise their hands and wipe down their rackets before going on court, it wasn’t much different to normal lessons, just minus the loo breaks that the girls would always want to go on.
The coach was the return of one of the old assistant coaches. She’s a really good coach, and knows what they’re like having taught them before. It was nice to have N’s first tennis coach there to watch too, as she taught him when he was first in mini red. I wonder if she was pleased with what she saw.
I was surprised that N wasn’t more rusty. Yes, his backhand left a lot to be desired, but his forehand wasn’t bad considering he’s not been on court for ages. But I don’t think it’ll take long for him to get back to where he was. It’s a shame I can’t get him to weekly private sessions as they’re in work time – he’ll only get 3 in over the whole of the summer. But hopefully the tennis club are starting junior sessions that might involve coaching, although hitting practice would be valuable, especially if all the children are different levels and ages.
It was so nice to see N back with his friends. The 2 other boys were the ones I usually do a life share with. They’ve both been back at school, so it’s weird that N doesn’t know any of the new jokes and laughs. He doesn’t seem worried.
For me, it was lovely to see people who aren’t family face to face. So far I’ve only seen my brother up close, the rest of the family from across the drive, or work colleagues (and friends earlier on in lockdown) online. But to actually talk normally, and then be able to sit across socially distanced for a chat was so nice.
But just being outside somewhere that wasn’t on the farm. To sit and read, and just enjoy watching them play tennis. Lot of parents don’t enjoy watching their children’s sports, but I find it so interesting.It means I know what N’s been working on if we’re playing tennis together inbetween.
N enjoyed being back, although the next day was moaning that his right arm ached and his ribs. 1 ½ hours of tennis after having not played for a long time means he’s very out of condition. It’s a good job county tennis training still isn’t on, as there’s no way he’d cope with 3 ½ hours of running around for that.
So we’re back with things on the calendar. More things will open up, although most of the week is still pretty blank.
Have your children started back at their sports clubs yet? How have things changed?