Books read and reviewed in December 2023
Last year I was amazed I read over 100 books, but this year’s total is a bit nuts. Ok, so I don’t read huge heavy tomes, but I do rotate around crime, thriller, romance and chick lit, with a few more literary types thrown in.
How do I read so many? I do read fast, but it helps that I have time inbetween dropping N at the bus stop for school and starting work. Next year I need to get back to exercise again, so I’ll lose much of that time. I think my reading levels will reduce back down again to a more normal level.
If you want to find more time to read, here’s my tips on fitting in reading.
- Books read in December – 12
- Books read in 2023 – 170
The books I read in December were largely Christmas based romance or chick lit books. So I rarely review those on my Goodreads. After all, the plots are largely similar, girl meets boy, they’re irritated with each other about something in the run up to Christmas, and then they get over it and live happily ever after. So I’ve not got many mentions this month for the books I read.

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If you want to see the books I read this year or month, you can see my Goodreads profile.
Snow Sisters trilogy by Melissa Foster
A romance trilogy about the 2 Snow sisters. Danica is the oldest, a buttoned up therapist who meets player Blake and can’t resist him. Younger sister is Kayleigh, who’s fun and flirty, always meeting new men but never sticking with them, until she meets Chaz who wants to tame her. Both have issues with their estranged father after he left them for another woman, having a similar aged daughter with her.
The first book is really the only one solely about one of their stories – Danica’s. The other 2 books are about the progression of her love and life changes, while Kayleigh’s story is intertwined, and their relationship with stepsister Lacy, and their father is told in the third.
I like Melissa’s books, although I’d have been happy enough just reading the first. The other 2 didn’t really add much more that I needed, although they did complete and close the sisters’ stories.
Always, in December by Emily Stone
I sobbed my way through the last chapters of this book. So maybe not the Christmas cheery ending you’d hope for.
Josie has just lost her boyfriend and about to lose her job. On her way to do her annual tradition of posting a letter to her parents, she cycles into Max who’s stranded in London for a few days before heading to his parents in New York.
He encourages Josie to live for the moment and spend time doing Christmas things, new things with him in London while he waits for his flight. But then after they’re both falling for each other, he leaves for his flight leaving just a goodbye note.
Josie has to pick up her life and heart, and doesn’t expect to see Max again, doesn’t want to see him again. But does she really.
This novel’s a story about making the most of life, the chances you get, starting new challenges and adventures, and making the most of family and friends. I loved it, although I did guess from fairly early on what was going on in the background that we didn’t hear until the end.
Read this, but if you’re an easy crier, and ugly crier, choose where you finish reading it!
Together by Christmas by Karen Swan
I found this book really confusing at first. It almost reads like a mock hard hitting warzone documentary with flashbacks to Lee’s former life as a war photographer. Now she’s alone in the Netherlands, living with her young son, with only friends and her upcoming celeb photography career taking off.
Then she finds a book left in her bike basket, a secret message inside she’s keen to work out. As well as the author turning up in her life when she doesn’t want a boyfriend, she’s also worried about her estranged best friend and work partner. Where is Harry, why did he disappear leaving his heavily pregnant wife at home? And what is the secret that gives Lee nightmares?
I really enjoyed this book, although it was hard to read in places in particular with the current world situation going on. It made a different type of chick lit Christmas book to what I’d expected. Definitely recommended.
A Not so Quiet Christmas by Suzie Tullett
Antonia’s a bah humbug about Christmas and a city girl, but she’ll do anything for her best friend Jules who’s broken her leg. It’s time to head to the depths of the countryside to take over her friend’s festive break.
After some false starts, the community reels her in, as does Christmas, helped by her meeting the gorgeous Olivier.
A typical Christmassy romance, a nice cosy read.
One Kiss before Christmas by Emma Jackson
Cute romance novel with Ashleigh, who’s most recent job is being an elf at a Christmas farm, trying to avoid embarrassing herself and giving away that she’s always had a crush since teenage years on gorgeous french Olivier whose mum lives next door and is back for Christmas.
Olivier’s trying to decide whether he wants promotion in Paris, to continue working with his dad, while enjoying Christmas events and making memories with Ashleigh and her friends, and making chocolate displays for his mum’s shop.
Ashleigh’s trying to work out where she stands with her nan who she lives with, how to get away with celebrating Christmas more openly at home, and whether she wants to risk breaking her heart when Olivier goes back to Paris.
Now to decide on my books for next year. I’m still working my way through all the books I’ve bought, so want to still restrict new book buying – on Kindle or paperbacks.
What’s next on your to read list?