Project 52 2023 week 52
The final week of the year, it started well, then went downhill with car issues to end the year. And unknown for a few days given nothing’s open with all the bank holidays and it being a weekend. So I’m a bit stranded until I know what’s happening with that. Here’s our week 52 for the last week of Project 52 for 2023.
Sunday was Christmas eve and we prepped all the veg for Christmas day, and I made my chocolate roulade sponge. In the evening we all went out as a family for a pub meal. The food was really good and it was a nice evening out.
On Monday it was Christmas day. It was an early stocking opening, then I had a short lie in before the OH came back in after doing the morning feeding. Then we could open presents. I was so lucky to get an airfryer – and the one I’d been looking at. So now it’s a mission to learn how to use it. My brother came over, and we ate a lovely turkey lunch, although I have to admit to getting a bit ratty because everyone was trying to get involved, but not leaving me a spare oven or space to put in everything I needed to.
Once my brother went, and the OH was busy, N and I started a monopoly game. It’s unfinished because in the evening we headed over to one of the brother-in law’s for a late tea. It’s lovely to be able to get together with more of the family.
Tuesday on boxing day was very relaxed. I had a lie in for a bit, then did my tax return. I thought I’d be owing them money, but somehow they say I’m owed. I’m not convinced that’s right, but let’s see what turns up. We spent a late lunch and afternoon at the farm with some of the family. It’s lovely, but we definitely needed a larger turkey as it’s now all gone already. I haven’t planned meals for the rest of the week so now have to get my brain working (and probably go shopping before I intended to.
On Wednesday we emerged from the house. N needed a couple of things so he had his birthday present early – a new shooting shirt and tie. Unfortunately the kids stuff is never in the sales, and it’s all so expensive. At least the tie will hopefully last til he’s an adult. I picked up some sale Christmas cards, then we had hot chocolate in the new Hotel Chocolat cafe/shop out of town. We weren’t impressed with the hot chocolate. They made a right mess overflowing the mugs with the chocolate whip which was just too much, and we weren’t a fan of the hot chocolate itself either. I guess we’ll be sticking with the normal coffee shops (including the Costa next door!).
Thursday N went off on a shoot with his dad. It was so nice to see them go off, and N has remembered and practiced how to tie a tie! He looked very smart. I met up with a friend for lunch who I’ve not seen for a while. It was lovely to catch up, and hopefully it won’t be so long before we catch up again.
On Friday I had my INR prick test. It stayed the same as the last 2 times so looks like I’m back stable again, whoop. So no going back until February. Otherwise I had quite a lazy day after having started it with a headache.
Saturday I had a lovely day out meeting up with a couple of old school friends. We had coffee, lunch and chatted at a garden centre type place, had a look around the Christmas decoration sales.
Halfway driving home my car lost power – no turbo, couldn’t get over 55mph, struggled after 3rd gear. So limped home as I know the place I’d take it to repair is booked up and won’t be open til the new year, then I’d have no way to get home. So now I’ve had to book it in with the breakdown company to come and check it on Tuesday. Hopefully a reset won’t work and they’ll take it to a repairer because I know places are booked for weeks if I have to booked it somewhere directly. (annoyingly it’s booked to go with the dealer for other issues in February with a courtesy car). It’s going to be pricy hiring a car, so I might end up having to buy a new car earlier than intended if mine needs a lot of expensive work. A rubbish end to the year.
An extra day for the end of the year. On Sunday it was a day for putting away the tree and decorations, then I vacuumed. I didn’t get my book finished I’d hoped, but instead was researching cars. My friend’s husband came over with his diagnostic computer thing to see if he could work out how bad my car issues were. But the cable wasn’t right. We did steak for tea, doing the roast veg and diced potatoes in the air fryer. My veg were very good (possibly better than in the aga), but the potatoes are better sauted in the pan. N is aiming to stay up til midnight, but I’m not expecting him to last!
Happy new year, and thanks to all my readers this year.

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Sorry to hear about the car. I always do my tax return over the Christmas period, no idea why I wait so long and I’m owed money also, which is always good, it’ll be the same next year for sure. I’m not a fan of hot chocolate, but I love the idea of it, but it never tastes how I expect or want it to. Happy New Year.
I definitely feel that way about flavoured hot chocolates although usually the nutty ones are ok. The others smell nice but never taste the best.
Oh no, that is a shame about the car.
Hooray that you got an air fryer, I want one and I’m planning to get one in the new year. It sounds like you had a good Christmas.
Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for 2024. x
yes, cars are great when they’re fine, but as my brother says, all the modern diesels have to have so many extra things and sensors in them to make them less polluting, there’s always more to go wrong.
Oh no to the car right at the end of the year! Hope it gets sorted soon.
Yay to getting an airfryer! We have a small one and I am looking to get a bigger one soon.
Happy New Year!
The airfryer’s a learning curve. Bit worried about getting things wrong and then wasting food, but hopefully it’ll be good in the long run, and we’ll get used to using it.