What do children take to bed
Soft toys, teddy bears, cars…what do children take to bed with them?
N has his favourite soft toys that he’s had since a baby – Peter Rabbit was his newborn present from his Gran, and he’s always loved it. His taggy blanket I made him is a little grey and manky nowadays. One red ribbon needs restitching in, and the other red one’s been ripped from too much wear and tear. He likes to rub the labels or ribbons while sucking his thumb. I’m trying to encourage him not to take his soft toys into nursery as he no longer naps and when he has them, that’s when he sucks his thumb.
He still takes them to bed, but doesn’t seem to suck his thumb during the night. However these aren’t the only items he takes to bed.

Sometimes he wants all of his teddies in bed. That’s about 15 give or take. Ranging from small rabbits and dogs to larger elephants. I’m sure it can’t be comfortable with them taking over, not to say hot in this warmer weather.
It’s more normal for him to sleep with only the 2 or 3, and then come morning, he’ll pile into bed with me…bringing with him all the soft toys!
Then he also has My Pal Scout. This is a great idea (although ours needs some serious updating with his favourite things). But not when he leans on it in the middle of the night and you hear it singing songs and spelling out his name.

Oh, and then there’s the more unusual items. That is, the non-soft variety of toys. Because, he’s just finished playing with them and think he needs to be with them all the time.
To date, he’s taken to bed, my old Fisher Price medical set, a tractor (and probably a trailer), his etch a sketch

every type of cup or bottle of water possible. Why it can’t be left by the side of the bed, I’ll never know. Then one day I pulled back the covers from him after a daytime nap to wake him up. I thought he’d just put his teddies to bed with him and tucked them in. But now, this is what I saw…books, my jumper, a wooden coat hook, and a bubble wand.

What strange things have your children taken to bed with them?
in our case mostly soft toys… we try to remove all other “weird” items before their head hits the pillow
lol, makes me chuckle thinking of all the weird possibilities
I can’t think off the top of my head what they used to take to bed but I’m pretty sure they did take unusual items with them.My daughters still take their toys to bed, my 6 year old takes the most.
SO funny to think how they change as they get older. I know I used to fall asleep with books in the bed, although I’d not specifically taken them to sleep with. I just think it must be so uncomfy when you roll over and land on a button nose or the like!
Ah my children are really guilty of this too – why do they do it? I’m assuming it must mean the thing is VERY precious – your jumper, how cute! My son always seems to have umpteen books underneath him. Not sure why he needs that many! My daughter has hundreds of teddies, all lined up in a certain way.
Oh yes, the lining up, and the duvet must be just so. And when he takes a drink with him, it has to be in the right place. I’m thinking when I get him a cabin bed, he’ll need to have a little bedside shelf on the wall for the odds and sods he needs!
Thanks for stopping by
Oh bless him! Little A takes to bed as many teddies she can muster – her favourite is a floppy dog called Rosy-Bow. I have just discovered your blog. It looks lovely!
Oh now that’s a great name for a soft dog. The names of N’s teddies are very practical…cow, dog, Peter Rabbit etc. Thanks for stopping by.
Bugs always takes a rabbit and a doggy to bed. Most nights though he transfers his bed to the floor so I have to lift him back to bed when I go up to bed! Funny kids eh 😉
I’d just leave him on the floor…I’d probably not even notice! I quite often find the duvet on the floor but N in the bed. We’re more likely to be moving him out of our bed!
We have My Pal Violet which I can hear in the night when she rolls over it and sets it off! I love the way you can programme it for them. Lovely photo’s of your LO.
So annoying when you hear them in the middle of the night. I’m astounded that it never wakes N up, although I always do.
haha! We never find anything that strange in LP’s bed. The most strange was her pull along cuddly dog with wooden wheels. No idea how she could cuddle him in bed!
We are big Scout fans here too! x
You see, wooden things are just plain uncomfortable to take to bed. I’d probably forget to remove it if that’s what N took in.
Youngest squeezes as many teddys as she possibly can whilst eldest has her teddys but I have also found her with books, crayons, pens and sketch pads in the morning!
Here’s hoping you don’t find coloured sheets in the morning!
Loads and loads of teddys in our house:)
They can never have too many, can they?