Christmas tag questions and answers
I do enjoy a blog tag (writing and reading), and Christmas is a great time for one. It’s a chance to reminisce all those great family memories from Christmas past.
What is your favourite Christmas movie?
While I love the classics from my childhood, the one I really loved back then was Santa Claus the Movie. Nowadays, I prefer a cheesy romantic one, and will watch them back to back given the chance. I don’t really have a favourite, although Love Actually is probably one of the best.
Are you on the naughty or nice list?
Nice of course (although I’m sure there’ve been a couple of naughty moments – too much swearing
Where do you usually spend your holidays at Christmas?
With all the family living within 2 miles, we’re always ‘at home’. Tea time is always wherever there is most leftovers and all the family descend on that house. The last couple of years we’ve been invited to my sister and brother in law’s. My brother always comes to either us or where we go as he’s on his own. It’s a working time on the farm though, so apart from a big lunch and the proper festivities and big family thing at Christmas tea time, it’s not much different to a normal working day.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I do love The Pogues Fairytale of New York and singing along to Mariah’s All I want for Christmas, but for putting a smile on my face it has to be Shakin Stevens Merry Christmas Everyone.

When do you open Christmas presents?
Stockings are opened first thing (although we have to wait for the OH to come back in from feeding, so usually about 6.30ish. Then most get opened once he’s back in from working around 9.30-10. He doesn’t like everything being opened early, so sometimes N will have things still to open in the evening.
What was your best ever Christmas gift?
Probably the huge Sindy house my nan bought me when I was a girl. Although the lift broke straight away and I mostly used it as a book shelf. Otherwise, books. My nan used to buy whatever books I needed to complete series I had, so I was never short of books.
What was your worst Christmas present?
A family member always used to buy pretty terrible gifts for me. I remember an awful crochet dress that would never have fitted or been anything I’d wear and cartoon character nighties. Oh and my mum once gave me an awful fluffy scarf that I’d already told her I didn’t like. She ended up having it instead.
Fake or real Christmas tree?
Artificial tree. A bit rubbish really given my nephew usually sells real ones, but I can’t be doing with all the dropped needles and different shaped tree every year.
What’s your favourite Christmas food?
Christmas dinner – turkey, pigs in blankets, braised red cabbage, sausagemeat stuffing, chestnut sauce, redcurrant jelly, roast potatoes and veg. Yum. I have a sweet tooth, but much prefer the savoury because I don’t like Christmas cake, pudding or mince pies.
Do you prefer the giving or receiving gifts at Christmas?
I’m really fussy about what I like, and once you’ve earn your own money, and can buy what you want anyway, people default to toiletries or chocolates. So I prefer giving gifts and seeing people’s faces when they see something you’ve really thought about for them. Although it does get harder each year.
Christmas shopping online or on the high street?
A bit of both. Our local high street isn’t that great nowadays as lots of shops have closed, but it depends what I’m looking for. For children, the high street generally, and the OH. For my best friend, usually online as I look for something either local to her or more quirky.
Do you go to church at Christmas?
We always used to go to Midnight Mass when we were children (well, teens) and I loved that. I love Christmas services and singing carols, seeing old friends, and we used to walk back home through the village afterwards and everyone you’d see was really happy. I’d like to take N to church for Christingle or crib services, but our nearby churches always rotate services around and they’re at strange times so we’ve not made one for years. I’ll usually try and go to the school Christmas church service.
Have you ever have a white Christmas?
Not where snow has fallen, but we had one year where it was really snowy and icy on the ground. It took a lot of effort for my mum and brother to drive over from 7 miles away (they had to take the long route which was slightly flatter).
Do you do anything for charity over the Christmas period?
Sometimes we collect for the food bank at work, or I’ll donate something via my supermarket shop.
Are there any must watch tv programmes you watch on Christmas day?
We don’t generally have the tv on, unless we’re at home just the 3 of us, and the OH, N and my brother go out to do the feeding or other work, leaving me at home alone. If I had a choice, it would be Call the Midwife Christmas special and Strictly Come Dancing (if it’s on). Watching The Snowman over the Christmas period is essential, and any new Julia Donaldson films.
If you have children, what age were they when they stopped believing in Father Christmas?
Mine’s 8 and he still believes at the moment. Last year we did have a lot of questions, but he seemed to answer his own questions at to how things work with Father Christmas, so I didn’t even have to make up anything. I think this will be the last year.
Who decorates the Christmas tree in your house and when does it go up?
I decorate it, although N might help put it up, if not hang some of the baubles. He’s in training to learn how to decorate trees nicely and not haphazardly. But he tends to get bored halfway through. I like to have the tree up by the weekend before Christmas. The OH would leave it til Christmas Eve given the choice.
Do you have any Christmas traditions you do each year?
Nothing in particular. We usually go and see some Christmas lights or trails, but haven’t booked any this year. We always have roast turkey, and as a family go out for a meal on Christmas eve.
What makes Christmas magic for you?
Just the general excitement of everyone, chance to get together with family, Christmas decorations and seeing people’s houses lit up, and seeing children’s excitement at the same special traditions that you have from your childhood.
How does Christmas work for you and your family?
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I’ve copied and put it in my drafts, I will joining in with this tag.
Fab answers.
I would never have you pegged as a swearer. Naughty, naughty. hehehe x
I’m terrible. I blame driving and working. Must reduce it next year!