Enjoying tennis and a local matchplay win
Ok, so he’s my son so I’m a bit biased, but N does get diddled sometimes. As he gets older, he’s going to have to stand up for himself more, otherwise he’ll get overlooked and forgotten about for things he’s done. He already gets that in school where louder children win out, but in tennis he’ll also need to speak up sometimes. Although I’d rather he stay a nice boy rather than get aggressive so maybe it’s a fine line to stay the right side of.
For the third month in a row, N’s wasn’t fully well for tennis matches. Last time it was tonsillitis although I didn’t know it at the time, this time just a cold. It had just come out so he was feeling a little snuffly. But he still wanted to play and I needed to get him out of the house, which I think always helps with making you feel a bit more normal.
This was one of the local matchplay tournaments which he loves so he wasn’t going to miss out on the biscuits and chocolate prizes they always have. Nothing like aiming for healthy fit children with rewarding them with chocolate!
Last time N played there was only four of them (three from his club), and he had a win. This time we were pleased to see there were due to be 8 of them taking part, with three new children we’d not met before. Unfortunately, one had dropped out ahead of the day, and two just didn’t turn up.
The three of them from N’s club was there, then 2 boys from a club in another town. Frustratingly two of them playing are still red level officially which means those matches don’t count for N who’s at orange, so only two of the five matches N played counted against his ratings.
They were playing tie break scoring to 10 which they’re more familiar with, and this time N scored every one of his matches and got it all right for the first time. There was one line call which was clearly out which he didn’t notice, but he won the point anyway. His serves were consistently in a lot more than normal too. So the regular practice they’re doing in training is helping a lot.

His first match wasn’t good at all. His opponent had a good return of serve, but wasn’t as aware of placement of the ball. N really should have won convincingly. But unless N has a good warm up, or is playing against one of his club team mates, he always seems to have a bad first match in these match play tournaments.
Luckily he won all three of his remaining matches. Two of them coming from behind, and one of them against his club mate who he’s never beaten before. So the duck has been broken, and hopefully he’ll be able to continue beating him in future. It was extremely close though, but N held out for that win.
Having their friends there does make it more relaxing for them, and I think they struggle to concentrate sometimes. But maybe it helps them, although it can’t be easy playing against your friends.
With 3 points for a win, 2 for losing but reaching 5 points, and 1 for a loss with a lower score, N scored 10 points in the round robin. Along with two others who’d only had 2 wins. Rather than counting who of the three had more wins, they gave a three way tie. But secretly I told N he would have won on the number of wins!
They also did a team doubles challenge which four of them played. N and his friend lost (and had a bit of a shocker!), but it didn’t worry them too much. They just had a good time.
N’s happy. He won some matches, enjoyed playing, and has met some more tennis friends. Hopefully a few good positive tournaments have now passed and he might be feeling bit more positive to playing other tournaments in future.
Do your children play tennis? What’s been their experience of playing matches?