How to find inspiration for everyday and goals
While some of us are easily motivated to get on and do things, to set goals and work easily towards them, others need a bit more inspiration. Maybe we’re a bit more reluctant. Or unsure. Or are someone who puts barriers in place. Sometimes a jumpstart is needed in helping find inspiration. Motivation not only for goal setting in the future, but for some people for everyday tasks as well.
Here’s ways to get inspired, find new ideas, and feel at peace with yourself. Getting away from the everyday routine will help open up your mind to new ideas.

How to find inspiration
Act and think like a child
When brainstorming at work, we hear people say ‘no ideas are bad ideas’, ‘there’s no silly questions’, ‘just get anything written down’. Children don’t get scared of throwing ideas out there, however silly they might seem to adults. But there’s something in the not being scared and just letting your mind go to find some different ideas that might turn out to be perfect.
And don’t forget to challenge what you see and hear by asking ‘why, why, why?’.
If you have children, ask them what they want to achieve, and think big like children.
Try something you’d not usually read if you’re looking to do goal-setting for yourself. Or try travel books, journals, autobiographies for inspiration about trips, people, cultures and just trying new things.
Social media networking
Follow people in your area of interest on social media. People who’ve done what you want to achieve, or have tips you can take on for your own goals. But remember what’s on social media is usually just the highlights, the best bits. So don’t forget every journey is different.
Talk to friends and family you admire
Whether it’s older relations about their earlier life. Or young family members. It’s good to get a perspective from people who have been brought up with you and known you throughout your life. But don’t ignore what you can learn from new friends and acquaintances.
Get a mentor
Especially in business, mentors can help focus and support you in working out what steps you want to take. They’re there for you to learn from having likely been through similar challenges through their working journey.
Get outdoors
Just being outdoors in a beautiful expanse of countryside can increase creativity and make you feel free and capable of setting your mind to anything.
Watch sports
Live ideally to feel the atmosphere, the team spirit, the want to win. But on tv is fine. Be inspired by sports people’s journey and achievements. The ambition and always striving to improve relates to personal goals too.
Create a vision board
Pulling all your goals and favourite visuals into one place like a vision board can make you focus on how you want to take things forward.
Mix things up in life
If you always do the same thing day in day out, try something different. See different people, visit new places, and try new hobbies.
This can free your mind up and take it off everyday stresses, opening you up to new things.
Look for inspirational quotes
These can be found online easily. Make them into posters and frame them to stick up around the house. Try leaving yourself quotes for when you open doors or look around the house.

Go to lectures or watch TED talks
Life is about living and learning. There’s always something more to learn, and lectures can be really interesting to help grow you as a person.
Listen to podcasts
Podcasts can be great for self improvement and goal setting. Especially listening to people who’ve changed their lives for the better, both in and out of your area of interest.
Try volunteering
You can meet all sorts of people, from other volunteers or people you might meet who benefit from the volunteer work. This could be in your community or a more formal volunteer role.
What methods do you use to find inspiration and kick start your goals? Or just to help everyday life when you’re struggling to see through the everyday drudgery?