First time rockpooling and beachcombing at Barricane Beach
Sometimes, N can be really grouchy. It’s mostly unexpected because he’s a happy little chap usually. But sometimes a trip really doesn’t make him happy at first. Our wander to Barricane Beach and Watersmeet didn’t start off too well with him.
On one morning on our camping holiday, the weather was looking a little drizzly so we decided a morning rockpooling and collecting shells would be a good idea. Barricane Beach and Watersmeet were calling. With the 3rd family having gone home, we headed off with the remaining family to the little bays.

Walking down some extremely steep steps kept N interested as well as looking for snails. All was looking optimistic. Until we got on the beach at Watersmeet and N decided it was all too barren (despite there being a lot of clean sand to dig and rocks to explore).

I’d bought N some neoprene shoes to help him walk on the rocks, but he wasn’t keen. And walking through water to the rockpools wasn’t top of his mind either. Of course I had on jeans with it being a cooler morning, so they were soaked even though I’d rolled them up. But my encouragement wasn’t working. Or that of N, the girl we went with.

So I let him to his gripes and moaning, while we wandered off. I’ve never done rockpooling before and although we didn’t find any live crabs, and only a few fish, and lots of limpets, it was still good fun. We didn’t find many shells either but that didn’t stop us trying.

It was windy enough to fly the kite until it got wet, but the turnaround for N was something simple.

‘Let’s write on the sand and do drawings’. N drew a person, and I started writing our names. Next thing I knew, N was there joining in, drawing circles and going over the letters. If only I’d known.

As it was low tide we made our way through the rocks round to Barricane Beach. This one is usually full of shells to collect, but there wasn’t much around. Just the broken, scrunched up shells to walk on up to the café kiosk.

Stopping for a bap, drink and ice cream, we watched the surfers heading down to the sea, and the few families setting out their blankets or heading off to rock-pool. The 2 beaches are lovely to walk on and explore. They’re wilder (aided by the weather) than the gentle traditional seaside beach at Woolacombe. But they’re definitely worth a visit if you want more beach variety during a holiday there.
Do you do much rockpooling? Where are your tips for shell collecting beaches?
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Such a beautiful beach to visit, shame it was all a little barren
It’s nice to have a more barren beach. That’s the reason we went for the great landscape rather than just sand. It would be great in winter.
What a beautiful beach! We love rock pooling but have never been very successful…until last week when we went for a walk along Cromer beach at low tide and we came across a huge number of creatures purely by accident.
My boys can often be really grouchy, refusing to even go out, but once we’re out they’re usually much happier-especially on trips like this x
I’m glad your day turned around. It’s funny what puts kids in a mood and what bring them out of it. Waters meet looks like a great place for beach combing and rock pooling #countrykids
Yes, thankfully he does tend to be quite fleeting if he gets stroppy. Thanks for stopping by
Looks so lovely in there! The landscape is just stunning.
My son loves to climb rocks too and my heart always skips a beat when he does. We usually go to a place near us and I saw your neoprene slippers! Thats an amazing idea. WOuld look for that in the store cuz I will definitely feel safer if his shoes has a better grip on the rocks!
We got ours from Sports Direct. Think they were about £3. Bargain, and puts your mind at ease that they won’t slip off. Great for the sea too.
I’ve only done rock smoking once with my girl and we/she loved it! You remind me we should do more of it. As for writing on the beach, it’s one of My Girl’s favourite part times! Looks like you’ve had a real varied time on hols xx
We love rockpooling. One of our favourite things to do. Oldest also has a beach book where you try to find everything and tick it off when you find it. It’s really good for encouraging them on mouldy days at the beach. It looks like you had a good time, eventually 🙂 #countrykids
Ah, the I spy books? We have those too, but N never remembers to take them with him
Glad N found something on the beach he enjoyed doing. It looks like a lovely place to explore. #countrykids
We often go rockpooling when we visit Swansea, Big man loves it x #countrykids
I think my boys would love rock pooling – we don’t live anywhere near the seaside but when we do go they love it. Problem is, I have a phobia of crabs, so that is something daddy would have to do with them! #CountryKids
We’re central too, so rarely get to the beach. It’s a good activity for less sunny days
The Rockpools at Weymouth are brilliant. Me and my partner found some crab shells last time we were there. My Lily is to young for the big rock pools there yet though, as there is alot of climbing over rocks to get there. Can’t wait untill she is old enough though. #CountryKids – Cassie at Lilyslittlelearners
Ah we were in Weymouth last year, but didn’t do any rockpooling. Good to know what other places are good.
Looks like a lovey beach to explore. You can’t be grumpy for long by the sea :-)x #counry kids
We have only been rock pooling once but absolutely loved it! Its good fun and really interesting. #countrykids
We have only been rock pooling once but absolutely loved it! Its good fun and really interesting. #countrykids
Can’t beat a day on the beach – I could spend a whole day there rockpooling.
Reading this post I knew N would come round by the end, I didn’t guess it would be writing in the sand though. You can never tell with kids. the beauty of an interesting beach is there is always something to capture their imaginations. We are further down the coast but also have great rock pools that are filled with all kinds of sea life at low tide. Getting the kids to search, well that’s another matter!
thanks for sharing with me at #CountryKids
Lol, nothing like predictable. There’s definitely lots to do, and there’s always something they can enjoy. It’s just all the paraphenalia you sometimes have to take with you that’s a pain.
Love the beach. Not been much with our 1 year old yet. How simple is drawing in the sand to bring a mood round!! No tips for you I’m afraid #countrykids