Good habits that set you up for life
Everyone lives their life differently, but there are certain habits that many of us learn as children and take into adulthood. Some good habits we pick up through life, others are taught by parents or the influence of friends or circumstance.
Why have good habits?
Good habits will set you up for life. They may fall under health benefits, or politeness and respect for others. They may just make you feel good. Having good habits are also more welcoming to others, how they view us, and how they may help up make friends and develop in life the way we want.
Here’s some of the good habits you should keep to set yourself up for life. And why they might be important.

Good habits to keep for life
Personal hygiene
Shower regularly, use deodorant, wash your hands after the toilet. This makes you more confident about yourself, means you’re clean, and makes you more pleasant to be around others.
Don’t bite your nails
I’ve been a nail biter for most of my life. From age 3 to age 48, with a couple of gaps inbetween where I managed to stop and grow my nails. Covid helped with the extra handwashing and hygiene, so I was able to grow them and stop biting for a long time But get back to stress and I’m still biting them now. Maybe one day I will stop.
Biting your nails weakens them, it can damage the skin around your nails and cause infections. Not forgetting the bacteria from under your nails that you could be taking in.
Avoiding too much sugar
Most people eat way too much sugar in their food and snacks. Reducing sugar will help with so many aspects of health. I’ve pretty much cut it all out through a low carb diet. When you go through sugar withdrawal headaches, to me that suggests my body’s better without the sugar reliance. Now I’m used to less sweet food, I’m finding I have a lot fewer headaches than normal, and don’t crave more sweet food.
Cleaning your teeth twice a day
We’d all like sparkling pearly whites, but cleaning your teeth helps tooth and gum health. Ideally you should floss too (I hate it, but can just about cope with the y shaped wires).
Cleaning the kitchen
Clean the kitchen after you’ve used it (and before cooking). I always try and clean as I go. Wiping down afterwards means everything’s ready for the next usage. Just cleaning up the pans and utensils, crockery and cutlery you’ve used, and wiping down the surfaces, and a rinse around the sink. It’s more hygienic, and easier for cleaning. Plus it’s more respectful of others living in the house who also use the kitchen.
Cleaning around shower/bathroom
Common sense as in the above. It’s more hygienic, but it also means you’re cleaning up after yourself, and making the room more pleasant for the next person to use it. Little and often means less effort than a big blitz clean too.
Put the toilet seat and lid down
For starters if you flush while the lid is up, there’s the chance there’s a spray of dirty toilet water sprayed back up into your room (and over your towels) Bleurgh. I always tell my son it’s bad Feng Shui to leave the lid up, the premise being that you’re letting the bad stuff out, but that’s not quite accurate. You can improve the Feng Shui in your house by ensuring your bathroom door is closed to when not in use, to keep a toilet’s negative qi (energy) separate from the rest of the house.
Keeping bins out of the kitchen
It’ll help keep any smells out, and also increases your steps if you have to walk to a utility room, garage or even outside to put out your rubbish each day (or as you create it).
Airing the bed
Very few of us don’t change their bed sheets daily, so airing the bed before making it means you’re giving it chance to air from you sleeping on it and getting it hot and sweaty whilst asleep.
Daily walk or exercise
Exercise helps boost mental health as well as keeping the body supple and fit. Exercising produces endorphins which act as a natural anti-depressant.
Drinking enough water
Hydration is key, hence the need to drink a sufficient amount of water daily. Water also helps flush out toxins. The recommendation is 8 glasses a day for adults, 1 ½ – 2 litres a day. If you exercise more, then you may need a little more. But ensure you drink through the day, not drinking too much in one go.
5 fruit and veg portions a day
Ideally they suggest more than 5, but aiming for 5 of a variety of different coloured fruit and veg will set you up for a well balanced diet. Getting good vitamins that you need to function well and be more healthy.
Don’t skip meals
You want to keep your blood sugars stable, and eating regular meals will help fuel your body to make it work well.
Sleep with regular wake up and bed times
For starters you want to get enough sleep, and good uninterrupted sleep. Not always easy if you have children, or a partner who gets up earlier than you. Your body clock needs to get used to a set routine, and if you can you’ll likely sleep better.
Doing something you enjoy each day
This will give you time out from everything you have to do and give you a chance for time for you. It’s a good investment in yourself.
Read, and read some more
Reading helps you learn (more), challenges you, provides entertainment, works out your brain, and brings out your empathetic side. Self help books can provide guidance and direction. You can escape from daily life. And they can help you focus on one thing at a time. Not forgetting that reading before bed time can be part of a good nighttime routine and help you sleep.
Manage your money
Not everyone is taught to manage their money, and some struggle to have enough income to allow them to live without worrying out buying necessities. But budgeting is a skill to learn
Have a morning routine
Start the day with something that wakes you up and makes you feel good about the day ahead. Whether it’s going for a run, doing some yoga, sitting with a coffee and reading the paper in peace. Choose what sets you up for the day. By having a routine it means there’s less stress in the morning, everything’s organised because you know what’s happening next.

Have a night time routine
Like a morning routine, having a regular bedtime routine will help your brain switch off and get ready for sleep.
Reduce multi-tasking
Have one thing to focus on at a time, whether it’s putting down the phone when with other people. Or focusing on a tv show, rather than working and watching tv. By doing a single task, you’ll get it done fast with no distractions. Afterall, trying to do several things at once makes your brain struggle to remember everything you’re doing and chances are you’ll miss more things.
Celebrate the small things
Success doesn’t have to just be the large important things. Sometimes the little things are important to feeling good and enjoying life. So enjoy them.
Smiling makes you feel good as well as others. It can really put a positive outlook on your day and change a mood. Smiling is also less effort than frowning.
While you’re smiling, have a laugh too.
What good habits do you think are important?