Ice ice baby – frosty play
Considering we’ve had a lot of time off over the Christmas holidays, we’ve not done much. I debated National Trust, but not many locally seemed to be open. So we did tend to hibernate quite a lot. It has meant that N has made a better attempt at watching films…Toy Story watched, a couple of Christmas films, the Thomas the tank engine Brave film, and then a start made on a couple of other films as well. You never know, before the summer, we might have made it to the cinema for the first time.
But N did make the most of being off nursery and the weather being dry, to go out with his dad on the farm. Because the cattle are mostly in the barns, it means there’s lots of feeding which he can help with sitting on the tractor. Calving has started, but even if they’re checking on the cow or calf, N has been able to sit in a nearby vehicle rather than having to be brought inside because it’s not safe being near stroppy protective cows.
N’s also enjoyed the frosty days of earlier this week. A couple of days he’s had his younger cousin coming to play, so they’ve put on their wellies and headed out in the garden. The water table was a big draw, it being frozen over.

They investigated and decided to try and break the ice.

They tried several options and eventually the foot technique did the trick. Then they wanted to pick it up.

They wanted to put each piece of ice into the gator trailer to see how it broke when they dropped the pieces in. Madness, but a nice bit of science and natural world exploration.

The next day it was frosty again and N wanted to go out and play. I tried to suggest that maybe the water wasn’t the best to play in again given the freezing temperatures, so N decided on gloves. Not sure woolly gloves would do the job, but they were fine for a bit of frosty play…practising ‘writing’.

N’s all important trusty stick was then used as an ice breaking tool unsuccessfully

so back to more frosty writing.

N quite happily played in the frost and with the ice for about 40 minutes. Until his hands got wet, he didn’t seem to feel the cold at all. It just goes to show that children don’t really need anywhere other than the back garden to play in, or anything other than a frozen bucket of water.
I would love to be a kid again – just so I didn’t feel the cold!! It looks like they had a lovely time 🙂 #CountryKids
Oh yes, kids like to get out whatever the weather, don’t they? We just have to figure out how best to keep them warm and dry, as they really do not care, as it should be, it’s all about the adventure.
N doesn’t seem to feel the cold, so it’s hard to know how much to wrap them up. But definitely agree it’s good for them to adventure.
How lovely, a good idea with the water table, I think my girls wold love a little ice cracking fun too. we will have to give it a go 🙂 #countrykids
It was a lucky find because the water table permanently has rainwater in. But pinterest has lots of ice ideas, so I really should get some other activities set up
It looks like they had lots of fun with that ice. Can you imagine what fun they will have with snow!
N loved the snow a couple of years ago, he was trying to clear the drive with me. I hate it though, because the roads round here are hills to get out to the main road, and even that doesn’t really get gritted.
Looks really cold, but fun! We live by the coast in North Cornwall, so far, we haven’t even had that much frost. Hope the new year brings in more blessings for you and your lovely family 🙂 #countrykids.
Thanks Dean. We do get it quite chilly here, being in the sticks and middle of the country, so often have low temperatures. Nothing that’s going to stop children going out and having fun
We have seen that Brave movie!
We are hiding at home too but hding too much that we decided to venture out at the beach and then some.
I have seen how much my son have enjoyed and missed the outside world like N =)
It is nice to get out, just so much effort. Near us it’s such a pain to do as well. I find walking the fields really boring (and hilly), but to walk anywhere else, we have to get in the car.
Kids always seem fascinated by frozen water don’t they. Monkey was spying frozen puddles the other day. Happy New Year x
Yep, I suppose I was like it as a child, and even now breaking ice on puddles is fun.
awww Emma what a great explorer you have!! nothing like some ice to play with x
Anything outdoors and he’s there. Although he does usually need some encouragement to look at what’s around him. Having an older cousin around helps that.
Frozen puddles, and tables, are irresistible. We have a puddle that the children always make a bee line to when its freezing. They can’t resist seeing how thick the ice is and how easy it is to break. I’m less keen when we’re on our way to school. Quick trip back to the house to change wet socks! Will they ever learn.
Happy New Year to you all.
Oh that’s annoying. I think I’d have to take a change of socks with us. Dread to think what state N will be in before he gets to school, although we will have to drive. No paths on our rural roads and work rush
Children are so intrigued by new experiences aren’t they! Love it. N and his cousin look like they had great fun.
Anything outside to explore and the 2 of them love it.
I caught mine leaving glasses of water outside last week as they wanted them to freeze and make ice blocks. You can see how much fun N and his cousin are having with the ‘ice table’!
Lol, ingenious. Not sure I’d have wanted glasses left outside. Luckily this already had water in so no damage done to anything else.
My lot had a fantastic time when the water table froze over recently! It really is the simple pleasures. Love the welly boot to the ice technique 🙂 #CountryKids
I couldn’t believe he came up with that, even before his cousin. He could hardly reach!
So many people keep their kids inside when it gets cold, it’s awesome that he’s bundled up and out playing! Who knew frost could be so entertaining??
Nothing really stops him from going out, although I did say no yesterday when it was tipping it down. Just too much hassle once he’s come back in, plus the grass gets wrecked as he won’t stay off it.
Sometimes it is the simple pleasure they adore. Ice is fascinating to children, I know our guests have had great fun smashing the ice on the animal water troughs this week, boys will be boys! Daddy sounds like he has a great little helper in the making too. Thank you for sharing your frosty fun with me on Country Kids
He loves going out with his dad. Already been out this morning. Come next year I reckon I’ll end up not seeing him at weekends, he’ll just be out on the farm!
Love the look of all that frosty play and breaking the ice on the water table looks like fun too. Happy New Year #CountryKids
Thanks Louise. Kids seem to love ice, so it was perfect, even though it was unplanned
I love the idea of letting the water table freeze over and then using it as an activity! Thanks for the inspiration x
It wasn’t intentional…but worked really well, especially as it kept freezing each day.