I’m going to Britmums Live 2015
So it’s that time of year again, and I’m getting into prep mode for Britmums Live. I’ve finally got round to doing my ‘I’m going to’ post, so here’s me if you’re going and want to look out for me.
Name Emma
Blog Bubbablue and me
Twitter ID @etusty
Height The OH says I have duck disease, being short to the ground (cheeky given he’s only 6ft), but I’m an average 5ft 5
Hair Mid brown, although it needs re-dying to get rid of the greys again, so is pretty faded now.
Eyes Green

Is this your first blogging conference? No, it’s my 3rd Britmums Live, and I’ve also been to a blog camp last year.
Are you attending both days? Yes
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2015?
I want to get to some photography sessions in particular, catch up with existing blogging friends, meeting lots of people I’ve not managed to meet so far but always talk to online, and just generally enjoy the atmosphere.
What are you wearing?
As per usual, no idea. It’s bound to be jeans, or maybe chinos and a top. I always go for casual and comfy but it’ll be whatever fits and is clean at the time.
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015?
Get some tips on photography styling, and meet lots more bloggers…and a few brands too.
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Relax about it. It always seems daunting beforehand, but just get stuck in, take some time out to be on your own and if you see someone on their own then do strike up conversation. Everyone’s been in the newbie situation before so knows what it’s like.
Yay, glad to see you are going! Hope to have chance to say a proper hello this year 🙂
I love this stage when you find out who’s going. I have to make my list of people I must try and see. Will definitely be good to meet properly.
If you have duck disease what do I have at 4ft 11in? Actually don’t tell me LOL. I’m so looking forward to going to BritMumsLive if I see you I’ll give a cheery wave & a hello! Lizzie XO
Looking forward to seeing you there. I’m looking forward to staying in a nearer hotel this year and one where I know other bloggers are staying.