
I’m a bit of a list maker. I need to be to be organised especially now I supposedly have baby brain.

So having a baby was a great opportunity. I had a budget and shopping list in preparation for baby’s arrival (very fancy, with a traffic light system and everything!), now I have a to do list as i’ll forget things otherwise; a feeding book where since birth I’ve noted feed volume and frequency and now I have lists of foods he’s tried; and not forgetting his firsts list.

It was the best thing my friend Katy suggested I did after she had her first baby back in October. Each week make a note of everything he does for the first time. I think I shall add these to the photo albums I make up, in the hope of trying a bit of journalling.

It’s great to look back and see how he’s developed, and is something my friends say they wish they’d done.  Babies grow so fast, all you can remember is what they look like now and how they are currently.

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