Different methods of recording lists
I love lists. Even just a short post it note with a few points on will help me be more organised and (hopefully means) not forget what I need to do. Now there are so many more methods for recording lists. Not just paper, but all the myriads of online websites or apps.
Obviously different types of lists require different records. If you’re keeping track of countries you visited, then a map you can stick on a wall might be the best option. If you want to keep recipes, a database online, or index cards maybe most suitable. Making lists, and getting the most value out of them is all about having the most suitable methods for you. Because list making is very personal to each person.
Here’s some of the places you can record your lists, fun, home or work oriented.

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How to record your lists
Traditional methods of list keeping
Paper. Use post its or sticky notes for short daily tasks. Or notebooks for longer lists you want to look back on and not lose.
Journals. Notebooks are great for prettifying your lists a la bullet journaling. Or you could just have a page for each list of choice. These are brilliant for travel lists or keeping favourites lists.
Why not try the range of Listography journals* to write your lists. The books are themed and have tips for completing.
To do lists / work tasks
Phone notes or apps – easy to keep and record short tasks, and readily available and with you most of the day. I use these lists most, for my day to day reminders, shopping checklist, puzzles to avoid duplicating purchases, tracking cancelled sports sessions we’re owed back, and payouts/fees I need to remember to add to my finance spreadsheets.
Excel – for those who love spreadsheets. Make lists and use rules and colours to keep up to date with progress. I love using excel for anything involving formulas so keep my accounts in them, and also for holiday planning checklists.
Google docs – based on MS Office excel and word etc, but shareable in the cloud with others. I use these for writing blog post ideas (and content), then I can access across different devices as needed.
Todoist – organise work and life tasks through the app.
Google Keep – Use notes, audio and images to keep on track with to do lists, shopping lists and more. Keep is also helpful as it can be shared with family.
Microsoft lists – works with Teams to track tasks and lists for those you’re working or sharing with
Habitica – turns lists of habits and goals into a game with avatars gaining health as you tick things off
Trello – great for tasks that need to be completed, and for groups to work together on the same board.
Visual lists
Not really lists as such, but ways of collating themed information. Some people prefer visuals
Pinterest – fun way of categorising images or videos into useful themes. Popular for recipes, crafts, and inspiration.
Vision board – make a record of your short or long term goals and inspire yourself to achieve them. These can be real life boards or online.

Online based fun lists
If you fancy linking up to other people’s goals and challenges, then maybe online projects or list opportunities are for you. Many online challenges allow you to record your choices, goals, and tracking publicly or in private. It’s a great way to build community or accountability – with friends or general public.
Day zero project – a website that has been around for 12 years, creating a community of users who have goals they want to achieve. Originally based on 101 things to complete in 1001 days, but you can pick your own challenge and length of time.
Icheckmovies – a repository of films lists. Add your own watched and favourite films in categories, you can make them public or private, And get ideas from other people’s lists.
IMDB.com lists – more on films, you can create custom lists of your film topics or watchlists via the IMDB app.
Amazon wish lists – whether shopping or just wanting to record what you’ve bought, Amazon* wish lists (private or public) are great to keep things in once place. I’ve used to track books I want to buy but are waiting for better prices.
Goodreads – known for its Goodreads reading challenge where you set a challenge of number of books to read in one year. It’s a great website for tracking to read lists, currently reading and read books, as well as progress. you can review books on your account, and link up with friends.
My Record List – if you’re a music fan with vinyl, then track your collection and share it with others.
Fitbit or other fitness apps like My Fitness Pal/Strava – If you want to track your run routes, distances, what you’re eating or drinking, your weight, then there’s so many fitness trackers out there you can access via app or online.
What’s your favourite method of recording lists?